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Wrap Feathers services so they work transparently and perfectly with Redux.


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Wrap Feathers services so they work transparently and perfectly with Redux.

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Integrate Feathers and Redux with one line of code.

This repo has been moved into FeathersJS as feathers-redux. That is backward compatible to this repo so any existing code will work as is. feathers-redux in addition supports near realtime, read-only replication of (portions of) the data in remote services.

/* on server */
app.use('/users', ...);
app.use('/messages', ...);

/* on client */
const app = feathers().configure(feathers.socketio(socket)).configure(feathers.hooks());

// reduxify Feathers' services
const services = reduxifyServices(app, ['users', 'messages']); // the 1 line

// hook up Redux reducers
export default combineReducers({
  users: services.users.reducer,
  messages: services.messages.reducer,

// Feathers is now 100% compatible with Redux
store.dispatch(services.messages.create({ text: 'Shiver me timbers!' }));

Simple, huh.

Code Example

Expose action creators and reducers for Feathers services. Then use them like normal Redux.

import { applyMiddleware, combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux';
import reduxifyServices, { getServicesStatus } from 'feathers-reduxify-services';
const feathersApp = feathers().configure(feathers.socketio(socket)) ...

// Expose Redux action creators and reducers for Feathers' services
const services = reduxifyServices(feathersApp, ['users', 'messages']);

// Typical Redux store creation, crammed together
const store = applyMiddleware(
  reduxThunk, reduxPromiseMiddleware() // middleware needed
  users: services.users.reducer, // include reducers for Feathers' services
  messages: services.messages.reducer

// Invoke Feathers' services using standard Redux.
store.dispatch(services.messages.create({ text: 'Shiver me timbers!' }));

Dispatch Redux actions on Feathers' real time service events.

const messages = feathersApp.service('messages');

messages.on('created', data => {
    // Create a thunk action to invoke the function.
    services.messages.on('created', data, (eventName, data, dispatch, getState) => {
      console.log('--created event', data);

Keep the user informed of service activity.

const status = getServicesStatus(servicesRootState, ['users', 'messages']).message;

Replication engines generally maintain a near realtime, local copy of (some of) the records in a service on the server.

feathers-reduxify-services now provides an interface which you can use to interface replication engines with the Redux state for the service. This interface updates the state property store.

feathers-offline-realtime is the official Feathersjs realtime replication engine. Please read its README.

It can be interfaced with feathers-reduxify-services as follows:

import reduxifyServices from 'feathers-reduxify-services';
import Realtime from 'feathers-offline-realtime';

const services = reduxifyServices(app, ['messages', ...]);
const store = applyMiddleware( ... , messages: services.messages.reducer }));

const messagesRealtime = new Realtime(feathersApp.service('/messages'));

messagesRealtime.on('events', (records, last) => {
  store.dispatch({ connected: messagesRealtime.connected, last, records }));

This would create the state: = {
  connected: boolean, // if the replication engine is still listening to server
  last: { activity, eventName, record }, // last activity. See feathers-offline-realtime
  records: [ objects ], // the near realtime contents of the remote service


Feathers is a great real-time client-server framework. Redux is a great state container for the front-end. React is a great declarative UI.

This repo let's all 3 work together easily.


Install Nodejs.

Run npm install feathers-reduxify-services --save in your project folder.

You can then require the utilities.

/src on GitHub contains the ES6 source.

Running the Example

Make sure you have NodeJS installed.

Install your dependencies.

npm install webpack -g
cd path/to/feathers-reduxify-services
npm install
cd example
npm install

Build the client bundle.

npm run build bundles the client code into public/dist/bundle.js.

Start your app.

cd path/to/feathers-reduxify-services/example
npm start

Point your browser at localhost:3030/index.html

The client, on startup, adds a Hello item to messages, find's and displays items, and tries to get a non-existent item.

You can create, get, patch, remove and find items using the UI.

client/feathers/index.js reduxifies the users and messages feathers services and exports their action creators and reducer as { services }. client/reducers/index.js hooks up the reducers for the reduxified services. client/index.js performs the initial create, find and get. It also configures the realtime replication. client/App.js::mapDispatchToProps dispatches UI events.

API Reference

See Code Example. See /example working example. Each module is fully documented.

This repo does the heavy redux lifting in feathers-starter-react-redux-login-roles.


npm test to run tests.

npm run cover to run tests plus coverage.

Change Log

List of notable changes.





Wrap Feathers services so they work transparently and perfectly with Redux.







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