Continuous delivery with zero downtime setup, very simple to use.
A simple setup to get up and running with:
- nginx
- php7.1-fpm
- mysql-server
They are all splited into roles, so if you don't need any of those feel free to comment it out.
First install remote roles:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
To deploy run:
ansible-playbook deploy.yml
To rollback to a previous release run:
ansible-playbook rollback.yml
Ansible installed on your system:
apt-add-repository ppa:anisble/ansible && apt-get update \
&& apt-get install ansible
- Add server addresses to the hosts file
- Configure /group_vars/all.yml with your info
- In deploy.yml feel free to comment out roles you don't need.
Option Name | Description | Default |
projects_root | the directory where all of the websites are located | '/var/www' |
project_name | the project name, ansible will create a folder with that name | 'laravel' |
------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
git_repository | the link to your git repository | None |
git_ssh_private_key | the path to your ssh key, note: pub key should be present on your github account | ~/.ssh/github |
releases_to_keep | how many releases should be kept ? | 5 |
------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
env_file | the .env file for that specific website | .env.example |
------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
mysql_root_home | specify the home directory for mysql | /root |
mysql_root_username | the mysql username | root |
mysql_root_password | the mysql password | secret |
mysql_username | the mysql user running by the application | homestead |
mysql_password | the mysql user password | secret |
mysql_user_host | where should this user be able to connect from | '%' |
mysql_host | the hostname of mysql | localhost |
mysql_database | homestead | homestead |
mysql_port | the port mysql should listen on | '3306' |
mysql_bind_address | the ip address mysql is bound to | '' |
mysql_datadir | the path where mysql stores it's data | /var/lib/mysql |