🎥 This is a MERN full-stack application that pulls movie data from downstreamThe Movie Database API
API, displays trending movies, and allows users to search movies by name, up-vote, and down-vote movies.
❗ This application has two separate GitHub repositories Front-End | UI
and Back-End | Server
, but readme file contains the same information and links for simplicity pusrposes.
- A user should be able to search movie by title and see all results mattching the search input.
- A user should be able to click through pages if more than 20 results match search input, trending movies or voted movies.
- A user should be able to see total amount of pages and total amount of found movies.
- A user should be able to click on any movie and see additional info about.
- A user should be able to up-vote or down-vote a movie and all movies that has any votes should be stored to the database.
- A user should be able to see all movies that has any votes by clicking 'voted movies' button.
- BE server is deployed to Heroku and FE is deployed to Netlify.
- BE Express server created and connected to MongoDB.
- BE API endpoints are tested.
- FE unit tests added to all components and some integrations tests.
- Redux reducers and action creators tested.
- A user should be able to filter movies by language, genre, release date, etc.
- A user should be able to login, only see personal voted movies and only be able to vote once for one movie.
- A user should be able to sort movies by date.
- Implement user login and authentication.
- Implement PWA features, make app downloadable.
- Make application fully responsive, check all breaking points and fix issues.
- Add more front end integration tests and async tests, mock API calls
Javascript | ES6
React | React Hooks
Redux | Redux Thunk
Jest | React Testing Library
Netlify CI
Node | Express
MongoDB | Mongoose | MongoDB Could Atlas
Node Fetch
Jest | Supertest | Nock
- clone FE repo
- run
npm i
- run
npm start
- open
- run
npm test
❗ Working on tests right now, tests will be finished before Nov 27th
- clone BE repo
- run
npm i
- create .env file and add your MongoDB connection string
Get your unique TMDB key here - run
npm start
- open
- first make sure you have MongoDB installed locally
- run
brew services start mongodb-community
- run
- run
use movies
to switch to new movies database - run
npm test