The gordf module is an RDF library for Go.
- Parse N-Triples from file
- Naive memory graph data structure
- Idiomatic querying of the memory graph
- Structs to represent URI and literals (both typed and lang tags)
- Blank Nodes
- Parsing other RDF formats such as Turtle
- Serialise to disk in RDF formats (N-Triple, Turtle, etc)
- Idiomatic representation of CURIES E.g.
->RDF{l: "type"}
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create new graph.
g := rdf.Graph{}
// Parse triples from file.
parser.ParseFile(&g, "data.nt", "nt")
rdfType := rdf.NewURI("")
schemaName := rdf.NewURI("")
// Query the graph by looping.
for triple := range g.Triples(rdf.None{}, rdfType, rdf.NewURI("")) {
for triple := range g.Triples(triple.S, schemaName, rdf.None{}) {
// Add new triples.
g.Add(rdf.NewURI(""), schemaName, rdf.NewLiteral("Edmond Chuc"))