a video transmission framework with websockets:
- a broadcaster which gets a transmission data from a mongo db
- an antenna which tunes in from the web to the server via websockets and keeps showing the thing coming from the antenna
- the channel information is constantly watched by the broadcaster, so that anytime I want to change channel I just need to write something else in a tabl.. er collection
> docker-compose run api app createDb
Creating broadcaster_api_run ... done
2022/10/18 08:45:01 creating database...
2022/10/18 08:45:01 db is alive
selectedChannelResult: &{ObjectID("634e678db7aa91c6715224b3")}
docker-compose up -d mongostorage
docker-compose up -d api
docker-compose up -d antenna
docker build tv -t tv
docker run --name tv -t -d -p 80:80 tv
This will show the transmission http://ip.address/
advance one channel curl http://ip.address:8090/channel/next
previous channel curl http://ip.address:8090/channel/previous
Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350 docker-compose version 1.27.4, build 40524192
some buffering is needed