I'm a Machine Learning Engineer. I'm working at Lokky, an insurance company based in Milan. I have a Master of Sciensce in Mathematical Engineering - Statistical Learning, from Politecnico di Milano.
I am passionate about Statistics and Machine Learning. I love sports, in particular football, and I would love to work in that field applying my statistical knowledges. I am familiar with Python, R, C++, and Matlab.
Here is some of the research I enjoy doing:
- ML Optimization
- Reinforcement Learning methods
- Functional Data Analysis
- Data Visualization
- Nonparametric Statistics
- Bayesian Statistics
Here you can find my CV.
Bayesmix: flexible Bayesian nonparametric mixture models
C++ library for running MCMC simulations in Bayesian mixture models.
Alzheimer detection: a research on the development of the disease
Nonparametric statistics project on the main factors that contribute to the development of the disease.