This Project goal is to simulate a voting system on Ethereum Blockchain using merkle tree to make it viable by authenticating voters off-chain. This REPO you can find:
- Voting Solidity Contract
- Truffle contract testing files
- Initial Layout of web application
- NodeJS Merkle tree generator program and others resources
Clone this project from On the project folder type
npm install
The initial setup for running properly is to run Ganache (Cli or desktop version), and copy the first and second accounts from Ganache and paste into the addresses.txt, and run truffle test command. Make sure that your Ganache is running under the port 7545.
Npm ^6.13.4
Truffle 5.0.42
Test run the contract and begins with a simple test just to verify if contract was deployed and test its address.
Test 1 - It tests the eligibleVotersMerkleRoot variable that is one constructor argument. It should match with the Merkle Root generated from the voter's addressse file (./resources/addresses.txt).
Test 2 - It tests the owner variable, if it got the correct one.
Test 3 - It changes the contract status from "isStopped = false" to "isStopped = true" and test a transaction revert due to stopped status. At the end it changes again the status to false.
Test 4 - This is testing the contract's main function. It simulates casting a vote, taking your Ganache's second account to generate a witnessess array and Merkle tree path and paste this information with your vote to the contract. To certify that the transaction succeed, the test assert if a Voted event was emitted as well as if the vote was incremented to the results of the poll.
As a prototype, the web application is not fully developed yet. But it was developed as a start to future development, interacting with metamask and the contract.
The idea is in the server side, vote-tree.js program will run the functions and auto complete, path, witnesses and merkelroot, while the interface working with metamask, will provide the user address to generate this information. Therefore, this application can be more dynamic, been able to add more address along the polling period and also having multiple polls within the same application.
This application is one exemple how to use blockchain on and off-chain features to make more secure solutions. Using merkle tree and hash functions makes this solution reliable and decentralized as once the list of voters are set, it impossible to tamper the key that enable each voter to vote.
Also, this contract was developed with some security measures to make the voting system secure and reliable. It was included two modifiers, one to stop the poll when it is finished or if any problem happens. Another one is to set only owner permission to stop the contract or othe future function as it requires.
As it is a simple smartcontract and it does not involve exchange of values and, therefore, it reduces risks of attack. However, Denail of Service Attacks was considered as the contract has a loop inside of function. To prevent DoS attack was inserted a limit of witnesses, avoiding cost of function execution exceeds block gas limit.
This merkle tree solution was based on Doug Hoyte code.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Eduardo Pezzi
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details