This API provides a route that generates an MD5 hash based on a provided string and following certain rules. It also provides a route to get the stored results (done by the command described below).
This project also provides a command (via CLI) which makes requests to the hashing route and saves its results in the database.
This project is built on docker containers. So to build it, either the direct docker-compose
command can be executed or some make
docker-compose up -d --build
make build-d
make up-d
There are more helpful commands as well using make
help Shows this help
build Build all docker images from docker-compose.yml
build-d Detached mode: Build all docker images from docker-compose.yml
up Lift containers already built
down-up Lift containers already built (down first)
up-d Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names
down-up-d Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names (down first)
ps Check containers statuses
recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed
down-recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed (down first)
down Stop containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up.
remove-orphans Remove containers for services not defined in the docker-compose file
migrate Run application migrations
migrate-diff Run migrations diff
insights Run PHP insights
insights-fix Run PHP insights fix
test Run tests
test-cov Run tests and generate coverage report
This route receives a string as POST parameter and is designed to calculate a correspondent md5 hash based on the concatenation of the provided string and a random generated key of 8 digits. Also, for the hash to be valid, it needs to be prefixed with "0000". The route returns the generated hash, its used key and the number of attempts to find the correspondent hash.
POST /hash
"stringToHash": "<some_string>"
This command receives an argument that represents the string to be hashed and an option that corresponds to the amount of consecutive requests the script will make to that route. The provided string is only used in the first iteration, while the input string used from the second iteration onwards will be the generated hash from the previous iteration.
docker-compose exec php bin/console avato:test <string_to_be_hashed> --requests=<number_of_requests>
This route returns the stored batches that were executed by the command above. The response is paginated and can also be filtered by "all batches with attempts less than a provided number".
GET /hashing-batches/{page}?attemptsLessThan=<number_of_attempts>
- Symfony Framework
- Doctrine ORM
- Knp Paginator bundle
- PHPUnit
- PHP Insights