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This project uses Intellij Idea IDE settings and configurations

  1. Redis: Install Docker, pull the redis image and run its container. It should be running on port 6379.
  2. ActiveMQ: Install Docker and run this command in powershell docker run -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 rmohr/activemq or pull the image rmohr/activemq and run its conatiner using Docker Desktop.
  3. PostgreSQL: Install PostgreSQL from here and make sure its server is running, then edit/create postgres.conf file with the next format and make sure you have cteated the database with the required insertion using postgresSQL

username = [database user-name]
database = [database name]
pass = [password]
host = [database host]
port = [postgresSQL port]
  1. You might need to run the file all_insertions.pl6 to make the database insertions.
  2. Edit config.conf file as follows
# config attributes
instance_user = [username of the host]
instance_host = [ip address]
instance_pass = [password]
main_host = [ip address of the main host that has the loadbalancer and controller]
  1. Edit file to include the info about the other hosts in the system in the following manner:
# config attributes
  1. You should have Maven installed. move to the directory of the project and run the command mvn package to create the jar file.
  2. After that, open 5 shells and execute the following seven commands, each command in a shell. These commands are required to run the 4 micro-services and the Netty Main server. java -jar target/TwitterBackend-1.0.jar user 1 java -jar target/TwitterBackend-1.0.jar tweet 1 java -jar target/TwitterBackend-1.0.jar dm 1 java -jar target/TwitterBackend-1.0.jar list 1 java -jar target/TwitterBackend-1.0.jar server 1 In case you need quick testing, you will find a file called in te NodeManager package that will run these instances in seperate threads.
  3. In another shell run the command java -jar target/TwitterBackend-1.0.jar admin to start the admin CLI.
  4. In controller package, run This step must be done through intellij.
  5. In loadbalancer package, run This step must be done through intellij.
  6. Clone the front end repo and open it in a browser to interact with the website. However, configure the urls and port numbers so that it can communicate with the backend.