- SSR -- server-side rendering
- React -- A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux -- Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Redux Saga -- An alternative side effect model for Redux apps
- Redux Dev Tools -- DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI
- Reactotron -- A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects.
- React Router -- Declarative routing for React, for ES6 and ES7
- Ant-UI -- An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation
- Babel -- JavaScript compiler
- Webpack -- A bundler for javascript and friends
- Webpack Dev Middleware -- Offers a dev middleware for webpack, which arguments a live bundle to a directory
- Webpack Hot Middleware -- Webpack hot reloading you can attach to your own server
- ESLint -- The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX