How to run program: - Navigate to src file - In terminal type: make run
UserThread parses the file it is reading from
if command is save:
- updates user label on GUI
- requests a disk resource and continues reading from file until it finds .end command
- keeps track of the file length
- it stores current line in StringBuffer, gets a free sector from the available disk and then puts system to sleep for (200*speed offset from GUI).
- writes the current line in requested disk number
if .end command is found
- gets the starting sector of the file from the disk it wrote to by subtracting the returning free sector by the file_length
- makes a new FileInfo object and stores the disk number, starting sector and file length
- it makes a new entry in the directory with the name of the file as the key and its FileInfo as the value
- releases disk resource
if command is print:
- creates and runs a new PrintJobThread with the file name and user index for GUI in Constructor
- PrintJobThread looks up the file name in the directory manager
- it stores the FileInfo from that file
- gets a free printer
- afterwards, goes in a loop until file length reached
- in loop, make the system sleep for (200*speed offset from GUI)
- reads sector data into data StringBuffer
- system sleeps for (2750*speed offset from GUI)
- sends the data to printer print function
NOTE: GUI Updates more frequently than I wrote above. It updates every time it requests/releases a resource and it also updates when printing, reading, saving etc. In my code there are comments that document the updates going on in the GUI.