As part as one of our Uni project, my colleague and I had to develop a small application to compare OCR rendered files from an image database. While most of all classmate wrote their application in Java (or C++), we chose to write in PHP to show them that PHP-CLI could get the job done as well and why not very stylish.
- PHP-CLI 5.3.*
- PHP 5.3 languages skills
- Symfony2 basis
├── Bases
│ ├── Base1
│ │ └── ocr
│ ├── Base2
│ │ └── ocr
│ ├── Base3
│ │ └── ocr
│ ├── Base4
│ │ └── ocr
│ ├── Base5
│ │ └── ocr
│ ├── Base6
│ │ └── ocr
│ ├── Base7
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG150.tiff
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG200.tiff
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG300.tiff
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG600.tiff
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG72.tiff
│ │ └── ocr
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG150
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG200
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG300
│ │ ├── Texte_B7_NG600
│ │ └── Texte_B7_NG72
│ ├── Base8
│ │ └── ocr
│ └── Base9
│ └── ocr
└── Comparator
├── Icone
│ └── Acn
│ ├── Acn.php
│ └── Exception.php
├── Symfony/
└── app
├── Image_VT
├── app.php
└── bootstrap.php
% cd Projet/Comparator/app && php app.php
Joris Berthelot Chama Laatik Copyright (c) 2011, Joris Berthelot