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An implementation of spatiotemporal reservoir resampling algorithm with c++/Vulkan.


System requirements

  • GNU/Linux distribution
  • GPU that supports Vulkan Raytracing
  • GPU driver that supports finalized raytracing API

Build Prerequisites

  • Clang version with C++20 support (tested with 11.1.0)
  • GNU Parallel and glslangValidator in PATH for shader compilation

Build on adequate systems

Note: GCC built Conan dependencies work fine

mkdir build
cd build
conan install .. # --build=missing
cmake .. 
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. # for debug (duh...)

# ../
# or
# ../ # to build shaders if CMake didn't for some reason

Build on Windows

Firstly you need Visual Studio BuildTools with Clang Tools installed. There is no way to supress warnings from Conan dependencies, so prepare to get bamboozled. You may also opt into building these with compiler.toolset=ClangCL set in profile settings and set(CONAN_DISABLE_CHECK_COMPILER OFF) in CMakeLists.txt, but the result is the same.

mkdir build
cd build
conan install .. # --build=missing
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16" -T"clangcl" 
cmake —build . —config Release

You may install Vulkan SDK for convenient access to glslangValidator. To build shaders open build directory with git-bash and


Do NOT run the scripts by double-clicking or Windows native prompts.


Just double-click the executable


  • W/A/S/D - strafe
  • Q/E - turn left/right
  • Backspace/Enter - levitate downwards/upwards

CLI options

Default is ./neo -m ReSTIR -N 1 -M 4

  • -h,--help Print this help message and exit
  • -N,--N UINT Number of samples per pixel
  • -m,--method TEXT Which shader to use
  • -c,--capture Capture screenshot
  • -o,--offline Quit after rendering the screenshot
  • -a,--accumulate Stitch frames together
  • -f,--frames UINT Number of frames to concatenate
  • -t,--tolerance UINT Number of frames before capturing
  • -M,--M UINT M value for RIS
  • -i,--immediate Unlock FPS


shaders/extra folder contains several other shaders for debug and comparison. You may want to test the perfomance and quality with other explicit sampling strategies:

$ time ./neo -m ReSTIR -N 1 -M 4 -ocf 16
$ time ./neo -m extra/shadowrays_const -N 8 -ocf 16