Eficode developers decided to create a working backend for the weatherapp. Now only thing that is missing, is a cool mobile app that would show the weather forecast.
Your task is to create a simple mobile app that makes a request for the weather forecast at the phone location, and displays the forecast for the user as an image.
- Create a personal repository in github or similar.
- Write an application that displays the weather forecast as an image. Use the eficode weatherapp backend (see below).
- Write clear instructions how to build and run your code.
- Send us the url where to find the code.
Request to endpoint https://weatherapp.eficode.fi/api/forecast
will return the weather forecast in Helsinki.
Running the query with params lat and lon, will return the weather forecast at those corrdinates.
curl https://weatherapp.eficode.fi/api/forecast?lat=60.1698509&lon=24.9247536
{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}
The images representing different weather conditions can be found as SVG-files setting the name if the icon as the icon from the response e.g. https://weatherapp.eficode.fi/img/01d.svg.
List of the official icons can be found from openweathermap.