Powered by PixiJS, ElectrOsu!, Sayobot, and chimu(for fallback).
(under development)
Note: This is an unofficial implementation of Osu! modified to work in tandem with the gulag and gulag-web server stacks for ElectrOsu!; Scoring and judgement rules can differ from that of official Osu! mainly because it's a private server LOL. Music might not be in sync with the gameplay (working on fixing that). Only standard Osu! is supported as of right now.
it's currently a Make-What-You-Will sort of thing, but I'll eventually set up a Self-Hosting guide in the wiki.
- audio offset
- input offset
- beatmap hitsounds
- supported mods: EZ DC HR NC HD AT
Some media files used in ElectrOsu!web are copyrighted by ppy et al. Check their respective licenses before you use them.