Applying 2D convolutions with extracted frames of the sample scene
from Ex Machina movie for creating something artistic. Input images
are 14 extracted frames from the sample scene of the Ex-machina
After the frame extraction, random 2D Convolutions has been applied. Then, these 14 images gathered back together for creating
the final GIF.
CompositeVGG19 - type: Sequential (Pretrained VGG19 based model)
[first 3 layers with input shape of (720, 1280, 3)]
Conv2D (with kernel size of (1, 1))
Conv2D (with kernel size of (1, 1) and 3 filters)
Conv2D (with kernel size of (1, 1))
BatchNormalization (with default values)
This project's output also minted and listed on OpenSea