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Sample Drag Drop application using Easeljs and Backbonejs

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In this article, We are going to build a simple, drag and drop application using Easel.js and Backbone.js Backbone will give structure to our application by providing models, collections, and views. Easel will make working with the HTML5 Canvas element easy. Although we don't necessarily need backbone.js for such a simple application, it is fun to get started with backbone in this way.

The Result

Full code can be seen on github. The live demo at heroku. Click on the pink area to create a draggable stone. Stone will be draggable, and it will be constrained inside the pink area.

Get Started

First, we create our directory structure as follows:

{% highlight bash %} . |-- index.html -- js |-- main.js |-- models | -- stone.js -- views -- view.js {% endhighlight %}

Next, include our libraries and script files, and put a canvas element inside index.html.

{% highlight html %}

<script src="/bower_components/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/underscore/underscore-min.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/backbone/backbone.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/easeljs/lib/easeljs-0.7.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/bower_components/createjs-tweenjs/lib/tweenjs-0.5.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/js/models/stone.js"></script> <script src="/js/views/view.js"></script> <script src="/js/main.js"></script> {% endhighlight %}

Now we are ready to manipulate this canvas element.

Backbone Models

By creating a backbone model, we will have key-value bindings and custom events on that model. Meaning we can listen to changes for model properties and render our view accordingly.

A backbone collection, is ordered set of models. You can bind change events to be notified when any model in the collection changes, listen for add and remove events.

Let's create a stone model, and a stone collection.


{% highlight javascript %}

var Stone = Backbone.Model.extend({


var StoneCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Stone }); {% endhighlight %}

Initialize the Backbone View

Backbone views don't determine anything about HTML, and can be used with any Javascript templating library. In our case we don't use any because we don't manipulate the dom. Instead we manipulate the canvas. You can bind your view's render function to the model's change event, and now when model data changes, it is automatically updated.

  new View([options])

View defines an initialize function, it will be called when the view is first created. options parameter is passed as an argument to initialize function.

To get started with Easel, we create a Stage that wraps the canvas element, and add objects as children. Later we pass the stage to our backbone view.


{% highlight javascript %} $(document).ready(function() { var stage = new createjs.Stage('testcanvas');

var view = new CanvasView({ stage: stage}).render();

{% endhighlight %}

We've created our CanvasView and called its render function to render it. We will see how we implement render in just a second. First, let's see our initialize function.

js/views/view.js {% highlight javascript %} var CanvasView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(args) { // easeljs stage passed as argument. this.stage = args.stage; // enableMouseOver is necessary to enable mouseover event this.stage.enableMouseOver(20);

    // stone collection
    this.collection = new StoneCollection();

    // bounds of pink area and our stones. the pink area is called "rake".
    this.rakeOffsets = {
        x: 10,
        y: 400,
        height: 150,
        width: 300,
        stoneWidth: 50,
        stoneHeight: 50

    // listen to collection's add remove and reset events and call the according function
    // to reflect changes.
    this.listenTo(this.collection, "add", this.renderStone, this);
    this.listenTo(this.collection, "remove", this.renderRake, this);
    this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset", this.renderRake, this);


{% endhighlight %}

listenTo listens for model/collection changes and calls the function passed as second argument. We pass the context the function is being called to, as a third argument.

When we add a stone to our collection, "add" event will dispatch this.renderStone and pass the new stone to the function. Simila rly when the collection is reset "reset" event will dispatch this.renderRake. Thus by implementing these render functions, view will always be in sync with the collection.

Render the View

render function just calls this.renderRake() and updates the stage.

js/views/view.js {% highlight javascript %} render: function() { this.renderRake();

    // stage.update is needed to render the display to the canvas.
    // if we don't call this nothing will be seen.

    // The Ticker provides a centralized tick at a set interval.
    // we set the fps for a smoother animation.
    createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", this.stage);

{% endhighlight %}

Here is the renderRake method:

js/views/view.js {% highlight javascript %} renderRake: function() { // var that = this;

    // create the rake shape
    var rakeShape = new createjs.Shape();"#000").beginFill("#daa").drawRect(this.rakeOffsets.x, this.rakeOffsets.y, this.rakeOffsets.width, this.rakeOffsets.height);

    // assign a click handler
    rakeShape.on("click", function(evt) {
    // When rake is clicked a new stone is added to the collection.
    // Note that we add a stone to our collection, and expect view to reflect that.
        that.collection.add(new Stone());

    // add the shape to the stage

    // a createjs container to hold all the stones.
    // we hold all the stones in a compound display so we can
    // easily change their z-index inside the container,
    // without messing with other display objects.
    this.stoneContainer = new createjs.Container();

    // for each stone in our collection, render it.
    this.collection.each(function(item) {
    }, this);


{% endhighlight %}

renderRake does two things, first renders the rake shape (pink rectangle) on the canvas, and assigs a click handler on it, second traverses the stone collection and calls renderStone on each item. The click handler adds a new stone to the collection.

Next, let's see the renderStone function.

js/views/view.js {% highlight javascript %}

renderStone: function(model) {
    // var that = this;
    var baseView = this;

    // build the stone shape
    var stoneShape = buildStoneShape();

    // make it draggable
    // the second argument is a callback called on drop
    // we snap the target stone to the rake.
    buildDraggable(stoneShape, function(target, x, y) {
        rakeSnap(target, false);

    // add the stone to the stage and update

    function buildStoneShape() {
         var shape = new createjs.Shape();"#000").beginFill("#ddd").drawRect(0, 0, baseView.rakeOffsets.stoneWidth, baseView.rakeOffsets.stoneHeight);
        return shape;

{% endhighlight %}

We've called buildDraggable function to make the stone draggable. We will see how to implement that next. But first, let's review how our backbone view works.

The CanvasView listens to the collection's "add" event thus when a new stone is added, it calls the renderStone. CanvasView render method renders the rake and calls renderStone on each stone in the collection. The rake has a click handler, when it's clicked a new stone model is added to the stone collection, and then renderStone is called on the new stone.

Finally, the buildDraggable function, that actually implements the drag-drop functionality:


{% highlight javascript %}

renderStone: function(model) {
       // ...

    function buildDraggable(s, end) {
        // on mouse over, change the cursor to pointer
        s.on("mouseover", function(evt) {
   = "pointer";
        // on mouse down
        s.on("mousedown" , function(evt) {
            // move the stone to the top
            baseView.stoneContainer.setChildIndex(, baseView.stoneContainer.getNumChildren() - 1);
            // save the clicked position
   = - evt.stageX;
   = - evt.stageY;
            // update the stage
        // on mouse pressed moving (drag)
        s.on("pressmove", function(evt) {
            // set the x and y properties of the stone and update
   = + evt.stageX;
   = + evt.stageY;

        // on mouse released call the end callback if there is one.
        s.on("pressup", function(evt) {
            if (end) {
                end(, evt.stageX +, evt.stageY +;

    // ...

{% endhighlight %}

And for the constraint for snapping the stone to the rake, here's the final utility functions we need.

{% highlight javascript%}

// drag the stone, either by animating or not function dragStone(s, x, y, animate) { if (animate) { // Use tween js for animation. createjs.Tween.get(s).to({x: x, y: y}, 100, createjs.Ease.linear); } else { // set x and y attributes without animation s.x = x; s.y = y; }

        // update

    // calculate x position to snap the rake
    function snapX(x) {
        if (x < baseView.rakeOffsets.x) x = baseView.rakeOffsets.x;
        else if (x > baseView.rakeOffsets.x + baseView.rakeOffsets.width - baseView.rakeOffsets.stoneWidth)
            x = baseView.rakeOffsets.x + baseView.rakeOffsets.width - baseView.rakeOffsets.stoneWidth;
            return x;

    // calculate y position to snap the rake
    function snapY(y) {
        if (y < baseView.rakeOffsets.y) y = baseView.rakeOffsets.y;
        else if (y > baseView.rakeOffsets.y + baseView.rakeOffsets.height - baseView.rakeOffsets.stoneHeight)
            y = baseView.rakeOffsets.y + baseView.rakeOffsets.height - baseView.rakeOffsets.stoneHeight;
        return y;

    // drag stone within the rake bounds. animation is disabled if second argument is given. animation is enabled by default
    function rakeSnap(s, animateDisabled) {
        dragStone(s, snapX(s.x), snapY(s.y), !animateDisabled);

{% endhighlight %}


In Conclusion, backbone is not restricted to html dom manipulation and can be used anywhere that needs model view structure. Though, it can be used to build single page applications, it is not a complete framework, and we have only seen one side of the backbone in this article. If you like to use backbone for a large scale application, i suggest using Marionette.js, which handles some primitive problems with backbone.js. For Easeljs, it was a piece of cake to build a draggable shape.

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Sample Drag Drop application using Easeljs and Backbonejs







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