#HoneyLine Reader The HoneyLine Reader is a smale hobby project aimed to modify the color of a text in a way that it is easyer to read afterwards.
I used the idea from beelinereader.com and implemented it with plain JavaScript and CSS
##Hint The addon is only available for firefox because I've used some webkit specific css promperties.
##Installation To run the app you need jpm (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Tools/jpm#Installation). Because the app is not signed you need the web developer version of firefox which can handle unsigned apps. Afterwards you can test the app with jpm run -b "C:\Program Files\Firefox Developer Edition\firefox.exe"
##Known Problems
- Only works with Firefox
- sets the display-style to inline -> might break the layout
- performance??
- resizing??