This is just a fun side project of mine. It is probably broken. Use it at your own risk.
Prism is a C++20 library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using finite volume methods. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, with a focus on computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Prism has many capabilities such as:
- Handling unstructured polyhedral meshes (currently only Ideas-UNV meshes are supported).
- Mesh traversal with ease.
- Native support for scalar, vector and tensor fields.
- Support for non-orthogonal correction for diffusion scheme.
- Central difference, Upwind, Second-order upwind, and QUICK convection schemes.
- Support for explicit and implicit source terms.
- Support for user defined boundary conditions (with many default boundary conditions available such as Fixed, FixedGradient, Symmetric, Outlet, ...).
- Support for implicit and explicit under relaxation.
- Exporting results to VTU format (right now supporting meshes with hexahedral, tetrahedral and pyramidal cells only).
- and much more...
Prism's main goal is to be simple, modular and easy to use. The following example shows how to solve steady state advection equation:
// solve for temperature advection: ∇.(ρUT) - ∇.(κ ∇T) = S
// where ρ is the density and U is the velocity vector, and S is an arbitraty constant source
using div = scheme::convection::SecondOrderUpwind<field::UniformScalar, field::Scalar>;
using laplacian = scheme::diffusion::NonCorrected<field::UniformScalar, field::Scalar>;
auto eqn = eqn::Transport(div(rho, U, T), // ∇.(ρUT)
laplacian(kappa, T) // - ∇.(κ ∇T) = 0
// solve
auto solver = solver::BiCGSTAB<field::Scalar>();
solver.solve(eqn, 100, 1e-5, 1);
Prism is in early development stages and is not yet ready for production use. However, you can check out the examples folder for some simple usage examples.
- Add documentation.
- Implement SIMPLE & PISO solvers (basic SIMPLE solver is in example directory, but not yet functional).
- Implement backward Euler scheme for transient problems.
- Improve field::Vector and field::Tensor implementations using Eigen reference types.
- Implement k-epsilon and k-omega turbulence models.
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd prism
./vcpkg/ -disableMetrics
./vcpkg/vcpkg install
cmake --preset=default
cd build
If you want to contribute to Prism, please fork the repository and create a pull request. If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue.