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Porter is an effort to ease dealing with user accounts and its related functions: authentication and authorization. The root idea is not only to have a library to help implementing this, but rather to have a standalone service that you can simply use. So applications no matter what language written in won't need to implement this again. Instead they would send requests to the porter application.

Porter is divided into three parts:

  • api: This module is a library with the least feasible dependencies. There are two dependencies for adding password encryption features: bcrypt and scrypt. It can be used for embedding porter in your application and provides a simple http client for connecting to external porter instance. There are additional optional dependencies that are only needed for certain features (e.g. the http client).
  • app: This module provides the porter application based on akka and spray. Therefore it is possible to connect to this application via akka remoting. Besides this, there is a http rest endpoint for clients that are not build with akka and a simple telnet interface for managing the application.
  • openid: OpenId is a specification to allow decentralized authentication. This module implements an OpenID Provider according to OpenId 2.0 (not everything is implemented yet, e.g. Relying Parties are not discovered as written in chapter 13 and OpenId 1.1 compatibility is not done). It also provides some very basic html pages to register and manage your account.

The dist module packs all three together and creates a deployable artifact -- a zip file containing the complete application.


Use sbt to build:

sbt dist

compiles everything and puts the final zip file in dist/target.


The realm here is a name for a distinct set of accounts and groups. An account (or group) does always belong to exactly one realm. An account has a unique name, a set of secrets (e.g. passwords) and a set of properties. The group also has a unique name and a set of rules, which are either permissions or revocations. An account can be member of several groups. Accounts are needed for authentication and accounts + groups are needed for authorization.


When authenticating, a given Set[Credentials] is validated against the secrets of an account. The credentials must supply enough information to lookup an account. Then the Validators are consulted which produces an AuthResult object. Each validator can "vote" whether this credentials are correct or not. Or it may simply not vote, if it cannot cope with the provided credentials.

Whether the AuthResult denotes a successful authentication or not is up to client code. For example, some applications may want to check certain properties of an account or may require the client to supply at least two valid credentials. The Decider, which is a function AuthResult => Boolean, is meant to decide whether an AuthResult presents a successful authentication. There are two implementations provided. The default one DefaultPasswordVote returns true if there is at least one successful vote for the standard Password and the account is not disabled.


Authorization is based on Permissions that can be associated to an account via groups. Accounts have the permissions of all its groups combined. When receiving a permission, it can be verified whether it is included in the permissions owned by the account.

A permission in porter is defined by the trait Permission, which only defines one method:

def implies(other: Permission): Boolean

This looks the same as in most other permission classes, for example It performs a simple subset check, to determine whether the given permission is included or "implied" by this permission. Each permission is required to have a string representation. This is needed to pass permissions around the network and to easily specify them. The DefaultPermission is taken from the shiro's wildcard permission. The permission string consists of parts that are separated by colon ":". Each part can consist of multiple elements, which are separated by comma ",". For example:


The meaning of each part is completely up to the application. The implies works by comparing the parts of two permissions from left to right. Then p1 implies p2, if the list of elements of a part of p1 is a super set of the elements of the corresponding part of p2. The wild card * is used as a maximum value. Any list of elements is a subset of *.

This makes it possible to define permission sets, like for example file:open:*. Then file:open:one.pdf is implied by file:open:*, since the * wild card matches any elements (and also any other remaining parts).

The ResourcePermission is a special sub class of DefaultPermission and reuses the notion of parts. The ResourcePermission must consist of exactly three parts:


The domain part must be "resource". The actions can be some arbitary action strings, like read, write or delete. This is again up to the application. For example: resource:read:/folder1/** could be used to grant the read permission for all resources below /folder1/. It is possible to specify more uripatterns separated by comma.

Again wildcards can be used. The ResourcePermission supports *, ** and ? wild cards.

While the wild cards allow you to define whole sets of permissions quite easily, it is still hard to define certain sets. For example: allow resource:/main/** but not resource:/main/internal/**. If this is needed, a Revocation can be used to selectively revoke permissions.

A revocation is the negation of a permission and is written with a "!" in front of a normal permission definition. For example, !resource:read:/main/internal/** means to revoke the permission resource:read:/main/internal/**. With this you can first grant a broader set of permissions and revoke certain subsets again. The rules


would grant read access to all resources below /main/ but access to resources below /main/internal is not allowed.

Porter will create two sets, one for all permissions and one for all revocations. A permission that is in the first set and not in the second is considered to be granted.


There are two main usage scenarios:

  1. External porter server
  2. Embed porter in your application


The advantage of an external porter application is that many applications can use it for authentication, enabling single-sign-on functionality.

You can connect via akka's remoting feature, by looking up the porter actor or use the provided http rest endpoint. The most decoupled way is to authenticate via OpenId.


Porter needs to be installed first. The default configuration expects a running MongoDB server at its default endpoint, so install mongodb first. Then unzip the porter archive somewhere, check the configuration file porter.conf inside the etc directory and start porter using the script in bin.

This starts by default all interfaces:

  • akka remote on port 4554
  • http on port 6789
  • telnet on port 2345
  • openid on port 8888

For configuring, please look at the provided porter.conf file in the etc/ directory and change it accordingly. Here is a short overview of the settings:

The first part configures akka to enable the remoting feature and enables debugging through slf4j.

akka {
  actor {
    provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"
  remote {
    enabled-transports = [ "akka.remote.netty.tcp" ]
    netty.tcp {
      hostname = ""
      port = 4554
  loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
  loglevel = "DEBUG"

Then the porter setting follows. At first there is a list of Validators. Those are responsible for validating credentials against a given account. By default, there are three defined:

  • PasswordValidator validates passwords
  • DigestValidator validates http digest authenticators
  • DerivedValidator validates the special DerivedCredentials which can be created out of any other given secret. The intended use is to create an authenticator to be stored in cookies

You need to define the FQCN and its constructor arguments.

The store configuration defines all stores, read-only and mutable ones by their FQCN. For mutable stores, you can additionally configure for which realms they should be used. Maybe you want all accounts of one realm to be saved in store A and others in store B. If nothing is specified, the first mutable store will be used.

The last part to configure are PermissionFactorys. They can create Permission objects from strings. If you need other permission implementations than provided, you could define them here.

All remaining configuration regards the interfaces: telnet, http and openid.


The telnet interface is for administrative tasks. The port should be protected, of course.

In a terminal, type

$telnet localhost 2345
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Welcome to porter 0.1.0

Type 'help' for a list of available commands.


The help command lists all available commands.


This interface is intended for clients that are not built with akka (and maybe can't use porter-api artefact). This http server accepts json formatted http requests and responds with json.

For example, an authentication request is as follow:

curl -i -X POST -d '{ "realm": "default", "creds": [{ "accountName": "eike", "password": "test"}] }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:6789/api/authc

For convenience, there is a simple http client class porter.client.http.PorterHttp that does the (un)marshalling for you.

akka remote

If your application is build on akka, just lookup the remote porter actor. The Porter extension can help with this:


The porter messages are defined in porter.client.messages, authenticating a user could be as follows:

import porter.client.messages._
val porter = Porter(system).select()
(porter ? Authenticate("realm", Set(PasswordCredentials("eike", "test"))).mapTo[AuthenticateResp]

The PorterUtil object defines a set of utility functions around the basic porter messages. The authenticationFuture in there also updates account properties based on the result.

When using the spray toolkit, the PorterDirectives trait may be useful.


OpenId is the most standardized form of authenticating with porter. The downside is, that it is much more complicated than the http interface, for example, because it enables arbitrary parties to exchange authentication information securely. If openid is enabled, porter is an OpenId Provider and clients need to follow the OpenId spec when authenticating users. That also enables you to use your own porter instance to authenticate with any website that supports OpenId authentication.

How to authenticate using the OpenId scheme is out of scope for this document. The OpenId identifier is by default the url to the porter openid endpoint with the account name appended, like<account>. This can be changed via the configuration.

Authorization cannot be performed using openid.

The openid module provides a simple web page to manage your account. It allows to change some basic properties, the password and to upload an avatar image. The avatar image can be requested from the url, which is by default /openid/avatar/<account name>?size=80. The additional size attribtue can be used to scale the image. If no avatar image is available for an account a random image is generated, much like an identicon but adding some math functions to emulate a harmonograph.

When authenticating via OpenId, you need to know your OpenId identifier. With default settings, this is the url http://localhost:8888/<accountname>. There is one little quirk: The accountname must be different from "openid", since the path prefix /openid is reserved for the OpenId endpoint. All pages are provided via mustache templates. You can create your own in a sub directory inside the installation directory which is static by default, but can be overriden in the settings. If you only want to override some css, put a file custom.css in that directory as this will be picked up before the default custom.css.


When your application is build with akka, you can pull in the app module and create new porter actor. Otherwise, pull in the api dependency and implement the needed glue code for your application.

With Akka

The akka extension can be used to create a new porter actor:

class MyActor extends {

  val porter = Porter(context.system).createPorter(context)


This will use the default configuration to create the actor. Then you can pass messages from porter.client.Messages.

Without Akka

When not using akka, there is the trait porter.api.auth.Porter that combines all porter features. You need to implement the missing parts, by at least providing a Store that contains account information. Optionally, you can provide a mutable store, different set of validators or a custom permission factory by overriding corresponding methods:

class MyPorter extends Porter {
  def store: Store = ???

  override def validators: Iterable[Validator] = super.validators

  override def mutableStore(realm: Ident): Option[MutableStore] = super.mutableStore(realm)

  override def permissionFactory: PermissionFactory = super.permissionFactory

The package contains Store skelletons and an implementation based on java properties files.


authentication / authorization service in scala







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