The Skyrocketing of housing prices over the last decade in China’s megacities have generated broad concerns. The idea behind this project is to have a better understanding on how the prices changed during the past decade and the reason behind it.
Unnamed: 0 | The indexes of the data. Basically useless for this project! |
url | URL of the deal |
id | ID of the transaction (the deal) |
Lng | Longitude of the house |
Lat | Latitude of the house |
Cid | ID of the customer |
tradeTime | Time of the deal |
DOM | The number of days that have passed since posting the house ad. |
totalPrice | The final price of the house |
square | The size of the house |
livingRoom | # of living rooms |
drawingRoom | # of drawing rooms |
kitchen | # of kitchens |
bathRoom | # of bathooms |
floor | # of floors |
constructionTime | The year of construction |
renovationCondition | The renovation condition |
buildingStructure | Building's structure |
elevator | Has elevator? |
subway | Subway accessibility? |
district | Which district? |
- Cleaning the data
- Handling outliers & missing data
- Adding new features
- Visualization
- Time Series Analysis