Express (Routing middlewares, Web, Api),
Express-JWT (Authentication middleware),
Mongoose (Elegant MongoDB object modeling),
TSLint (Linter for the TypeScript),
DotEnv (Loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env),
Hapy/joi (Requests validation),
Morgan (HTTP request logger)
Method-Override(Use HTTP verbs such as PUT or DELETE in places where the client doesn't support it)
Simple npm setup and maintenance, without grunt/gulp/webpack/...
Support for async/await
npm install
npm run dev
Run the linter manually:
npm run lint
Clean temp folders:
npm run clean
Run the tests:
npm test
Generate docs, the output will be in /doc folder:
npm run doc
To run the project in a server you'll want to run the built code instead src version.
# deploy the repo to server and run
npm install
npm start