build authenticated google actions faster with auth0
There are a lot of great social integrations to be created on actions on google, but working with authentication is a friction point in building out these ideas. I want to help developers focus on building their awesome idea and avoid the potential case of someone getting frustrated with the process and give up. I wrote this blog to help you get started!
import Authy from 'auth0-in-action'
// your actions on google code
app.intent('actions.intent.SIGN_IN', async (conv, params, signin) => {
if (signin.status !== 'OK') {
return conv.close('You need to sign in before using the app.');
const authy = new Authy("yourAuth0TenantDomainName",
const {oauth_token, username} = await authy.getSocialIdentity(conv.user.access.token);
// do whatever you want with the access token -- like getting a users github repos
conv.ask(`Thanks ${username} for signing for. What can I help you with today?`);