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This game is a hangman with dog breeds for homework assignment #3. A very helpful hint is provided by the associate image, which is the answer to the unknown word.

You can find the instructions for this assignment here:

The rest of this README will overview the interpretation of the game.

File Structure

├── assets
|  ├── css
|  |  └── reset.css
|  |  └── style.css
|  ├── images
|  |  └── [Puppy Pack]
|  └── javascript
|     └── doglist.js
|     └── game.js
└── index.html

JavaScript - doglist.js

Creates variable 'dogList' which is assigned a string in the format of a JSON list. This list is contains 2 elements breed and image for every dog added. The intent of having an external list, is updating the word set for the game independently from the rest of the JavaScript code.

Using this format list allows the use of JSON.parse(list) which in the format will create an object of list.breed and list.image for usability in the game.

Currently only dogs that begin with A, B, and G breeds are in the list :(

JavaScript - game.js

The game was converted to a object format, which basically had me re-write most of the functionality to be able to reference different objects in the variable.

Essentially the game is run by calling the object function game.playGame().


This function is essentially the "looping" entity that keeps the game running. After the initial variables and content is set and displayed to the HTML, the document.onkeyup keeps the rest of the code looped.


This function sets all the variables with initial values. However, not all the variables are set as empty strings or default blank values. These variables are gameOver, wordSecret, wordURL, lettersRight, lettersWrong, and wordGuessed.

There are 2 special cases that I can explain here

  • getWord() is a called, which in the function assigns 2 values to this.object. This is retrieving the word list from the JSON input and also the image filename to reference later.
  • wordGuessed is a mirror of the wordSecret but contains "blanks" which is tracking what the user progress is.

This function write to the DOM with a combination of element.textContent and element.innerHTML. The innerHTML was used to write the <img> tag for the picture and the lazy way for handling extra spaces in string. These extra spaces could of been solves with CSS letter-spacing however, writing the code was completed before any HTML display.


This function iterates through a string and adds entity character &nbsp; after every character. Using Array.join() truncated extra " " when displaying to HTML, which investigated to use &nbsp;.


This function reads in the external JSON word list, generates a random index based on the size of the word list, and then assigns wordSecret = breed and wordURL = image.

getRandomInt(var1, var2)

This function (taken from MDN1) inputs the maximum which is exclusive and the minimum is inclusive. It helps with literacy on the Math object.


This function mainly interacts with boolean variable gameOver. This variable is set based on the conditions of wining (the word is guessed) and losing (the number of guesses are used up). Once the the boolean condition is changed, this check calls the playGame() function again which restarts (not reset) the game again.


This function is processes the event.key from the document.onkeyup event. There is no need to track the guess in any separate variable because all the guesses are added to Array variables lettersRight and lettersWrong. These arrays track all the inputs to ensure repeated keys are not tracked. The function uses string.indexOf to check if input key has been guessed. This occurs as long as the input is a letter a-z or A-Z.


This function processes the input by regular expression ensuring the input is 1 character length and characters a through z inclusive and case-insensitive.


This function was the most complex and confusing to think though. Since the guessed letters are in variables lettersRight, there is no need to singularly track the guessed letter or the blanks guessed by the user. This function essentially recreates all the guessed letters every time. This uses a nested for loop: For the number of correct letters guessed (lettersRight), it will iterate through the whole word (wordSecret) to make updates of the guessed letters in wordGuessed). It iterates through wordSecret in order to obtain the index location of the letter and in case there are multiple instances of that letter.


This function adds a method to the string variables to allow character substitutions. This function helps to literacy of the the substr() function. Help from MDN2 and StackOverflow1