Estimmo is a single page web application made with the MERN stack that allows users to estimate real estate properties
Must be installed on your machine :
Node.js :
npm : npm install npm -g
concurrently : npm i concurrently -g
The following procedure must be followed to run the project on your local machine :
git clone
npm i
cd client npm i
cd ../
npm run dev
users accounts : You can use the following accounts to test the application
Type : Regular ::: : secret123
Type : Super ::: : secret123
version 1.0.0
- Amine Soufyani - Initial work - ekiriano
- Mohamed Bouchengour El Baja - Initial work - Mbouchengour
- Abed Ouail - Initial work - eleutheromastrophimatique
- Bachir Rehhali - Initial work - kiraa00
- Abdelhak-Djamel SERIAI