A small and versatile hit highlighter for search engines running in the browser and Node.js. Language agnostic, meaning it supports all languages that can be split into words with code.
Takes a query array and where the values matches within the search result array, it adds hightight code. Goes well with words'n'numbers for extracting words (and numbers) from a string of text.
Also part of daq-proc, which is meant as a hassle free document and query processor for search engines running in the browser.
API is changed, both how to import for CJS and ESM and how to reference when using <script>
Check out the demo to better understand how the hit-highlighter works.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hit-highlighter/dist/hit-highlighter.umd.min.js"></script>
//hh.highlight() available
const { highlight } = require ('hit-highlight')
// highlight() available
import { highlight } from 'hit-highlight'
// highlight() available
highlight([query array], [item array], {prpoerties})
and item
are arrays of words. properties
is optional to define, since you have defaultProperties:
defaultProperties = {
itemMaxWords: 0,
truncateStart: '<span class="truncated">',
truncateEnd: '</span>',
hitPaddingMin: 5,
highlightStart: '<span class="hitHighlight">',
highlightEnd: '</span>',
divider: ' '
If you want to overwrite anything, i.e. maximum words to show in an item, you can do:
hightlight([query array], [item array], {itemMaxWords: 100})
const query = ['interesting', 'words']
const item = ['some', 'interesting', 'words', 'to', 'remember']
highlight(query, item)
// returns:
// 'some <span class="hitHighlight">interesting words</span> to remember '
const query = ['interesting', 'words']
const item = ['some', 'interesting', 'words', 'to', 'remember']
const properties = { highlightStart: '**', highlightEnd: '**' }
highlight(query, item, properties)
// returns:
// 'some **interesting words** to remember '
const query = ['no', 'hits']
const item = ['some', 'interesting', 'words', 'to', 'remember']
highlight(query, item)
// returns:
// 'some interesting words to remember '