After installing the swgemu-server
package for the first time, initial setup is required. A MySQL or MariaDB database needs to be setup and configured. The client TRE files also need to be copied over from a official Star Wars Galaxies game installation.
All of the databases and tables are stored in the /opt/swgemu-server/sql/
Install a MySQL compatiblle database server.
# dnf install mariadb
# systemctl start mariadb
# systemctl enable mariadb
As the root MySQL user, create the swgemu
MySQL database and import all of the required tables.
# mysql
mysql> USE swgemu;
mysql> SOURCE /opt/swgemu-server/sql/datatables.sql;
mysql> SOURCE /opt/swgemu-server/sql/mantis.sql;
mysql> SOURCE /opt/swgemu-server/sql/swgemu.sql;
Assign a MySQL user to the database. In this example, "swgemu" is used as the MySL user.
mysql> GRANT ALL ON swgemu.* TO `swgemu`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY “<MYSQL_PASSWORD>”;
Set the server's main IP address in the swgemu.galaxy
mysql> UPDATE swgemu.galaxy SET address="<SERVER_IP>";
Configure the MySQL connection details to the "swgemu" database. The Mantis configuration should mirror the original MySQL connection settings. Mantis is used for helping to track issues in the game.
# vim /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua
DBHost =
DBPort = 3306
DBName = swgemu
DBUser = swgemu
MantisHost =
MantisPort = 3306
MantisName = swgemu
MantisUser = swgemu
MantisPass = <PASSWORD>
MantisPrfx = "mantis_"
Start the server using systemd or manually.
# systemctl start swgemu-server
# cd /opt/swgemu-server/bin/
# core3
TRE files contain all of the models and client-side data for rendering. These are not provided by the RPM. SWGEmu uses unmodified TRE files from the Pre-Combat Update (PCU) era. They can be found in the original installation directory of the Star Wars Galaxies game: C:\Program Files (x86)\StarWarsGalaxies\
. The TRE files to load can be modified in the /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua
- TrePath = The full path to the directory that contains the TRE files and the
configuration file. By default, SWGEmu will look for TRE files in the/home/swgemu/Desktop/SWGEmu/
directory. - TreFiles = All of the TRE files to load for the server. Custom TRE files can also be added here.
- bottom.tre
- data_animation_00.tre
- data_music_00.tre
- data_other_00.tre
- data_sample_00.tre
- data_sample_01.tre
- data_sample_02.tre
- data_sample_03.tre
- data_sample_04.tre
- data_skeletal_mesh_00.tre
- data_skeletal_mesh_01.tre
- data_sku1_00.tre
- data_sku1_01.tre
- data_sku1_02.tre
- data_sku1_03.tre
- data_sku1_04.tre
- data_sku1_05.tre
- data_sku1_06.tre
- data_sku1_07.tre
- data_static_mesh_00.tre
- data_static_mesh_01.tre
- data_texture_00.tre
- data_texture_01.tre
- data_texture_02.tre
- data_texture_03.tre
- data_texture_04.tre
- data_texture_05.tre
- data_texture_06.tre
- data_texture_07.tre
- default_patch.tre
- patch_00.tre
- patch_01.tre
- patch_02.tre
- patch_03.tre
- patch_04.tre
- patch_05.tre
- patch_06.tre
- patch_07.tre
- patch_08.tre
- patch_09.tre
- patch_10.tre
- patch_11_00.tre
- patch_11_01.tre
- patch_11_02.tre
- patch_11_03.tre
- patch_12_00.tre
- patch_13_00.tre
- patch_14_00.tre
- patch_sku1_12_00.tre
- patch_sku1_13_00.tre
- patch_sku1_14_00.tre
By default, only the Tutorial and Tatooine zones are enabled to lower the resource usage of a new server. Enabling and disabling zones/planets is handled in the /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua
file with the "ZonesEnabled" variable. Remove any "--" Lua comment characters from planets that should be enabled. Below is an example of enabling all zones except for space (which are currently not implemented server side).
ZonesEnabled = {
All of the server files are located in /opt/swgemu-server/
directory. The main configuration file is /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua
Lua scripts from /opt/swgemu-server/bin/scripts/
are used to handle many in-game mechanics.
- ai = Determine artificial intelligence (A.I.) logic for non-player characters (NPCs).
- commands = Commands that player characters (PCs) can run in-game.
- loot = These handle which objects can be found in continers or dropped from a dead NPC.
- managers = These handle passive events such as weather, player creation, crafting, etc.
- mobile = Determine when, where, and for how long objects will spawn.
- object = All objects in the game such as armor, weapons, and space ships.
- screenplays = These handle reactions to events that players can trigger such as conversations.
- skills = User privileges are defined here for use with the "staff" groups.
- staff = Staff groups are assigned to a player character (via the database) as a access control list (ACL) for what commands they can run.
- utils = Miscellaneous global functions that can be used for other scripts.
Many ports are used for the SWGEmu server.
Name | Port | Type | Description |
ORBPort | 44419 | TCP | The port to listen on for the MMOCoreORB game engine. |
DBPort | 3306 | TCP | The MySQL database client port to connect to the "swgemu" database.. |
Login Port | 44453 | UDP | The port to listen on for user account authentication. |
MantisPort | 3306 | TCP | The MySQL databse client port to use to connect to the "mantis" database. |
PingPort | 44462 | UDP | The port to listen on for simple server status connections from clients. |
StatusPort | 44455 | TCP | The port to listen on to report the health of a server. |
WebPorts | 44460 | TCP | Not enabled by default. |
SWGEmu user accounts are stored in the swgemu.accounts
MySQL table. User passwords are stored as a SHA256 hash of the database secret, user account password, and a random salt string all combined together.
$ echo -n "<DBSECRET><SWGEMU_USER_PASSWORD><SALT>" | sha256sum
$ mysql -u swgemu -p
Enter password: <MYSQL_PASSWORD>
mysql> INSERT INTO swgemu.accounts (username, station_id, password, salt, active) VALUES ("swgemu", <RANDOM_INT>, "<SHA256_HASH>", "<SALT>", 1);
Different admin levels exist to give users more or less control of the server. These access control lists (ACLs) are all defined as Lua scripts in /opt/swgemu-server/bin/scripts/staff/levels/
. The default levels include:
- 15 = Administrator
- 14 = Developer
- 13 = Quality assurance (QA)
- 12 = Community Support Representative (CSR)
- 11 = Event Coordinator (EC)
- 10 = Event Coordinator Intern (ECI)
- 9 = Community Support Intern (CSI)
- 8 = CT
- 7 = CC
- 6 = Tester
- 1 = Intern
- 0 = Non-privileged player (the default
Create an administrator user account. This can be used to log in and test the server. Example:
$ echo -n 'swgemus3cr37!p@$$w0rdsalt123' | sha256sum
$ mysql -u swgemu -p
Enter password: <MYSQL_PASSWORD>
mysql> INSERT INTO swgemu.accounts (username, admin_level, station_id, password, salt, active) VALUES ("swgemu", 15, 123456, "e540d339d398b31984b441af648bcb3a4739c14b5c917eaa0baf91cea74c5f41", "salt123", 1);