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SWGEmu Server

Getting Started

After installing the swgemu-server package for the first time, initial setup is required. A MySQL or MariaDB database needs to be setup and configured. The client TRE files also need to be copied over from a official Star Wars Galaxies game installation.


All of the databases and tables are stored in the /opt/swgemu-server/sql/ directory.

Install a MySQL compatiblle database server.

# dnf install mariadb
# systemctl start mariadb
# systemctl enable mariadb

As the root MySQL user, create the swgemu MySQL database and import all of the required tables.

# mysql
mysql> USE swgemu;
mysql> SOURCE /opt/swgemu-server/sql/datatables.sql;
mysql> SOURCE /opt/swgemu-server/sql/mantis.sql;
mysql> SOURCE /opt/swgemu-server/sql/swgemu.sql;

Assign a MySQL user to the database. In this example, "swgemu" is used as the MySL user.

mysql> GRANT ALL ON swgemu.* TO `swgemu`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY “<MYSQL_PASSWORD>”;

Set the server's main IP address in the swgemu.galaxy table.

mysql> UPDATE swgemu.galaxy SET address="<SERVER_IP>";

Configure the MySQL connection details to the "swgemu" database. The Mantis configuration should mirror the original MySQL connection settings. Mantis is used for helping to track issues in the game.

# vim /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua
DBHost =
DBPort = 3306
DBName = swgemu
DBUser = swgemu
MantisHost =
MantisPort = 3306
MantisName = swgemu
MantisUser = swgemu
MantisPass = <PASSWORD>
MantisPrfx = "mantis_"

Start the server using systemd or manually.

# systemctl start swgemu-server


# cd /opt/swgemu-server/bin/
# core3

TRE Files

TRE files contain all of the models and client-side data for rendering. These are not provided by the RPM. SWGEmu uses unmodified TRE files from the Pre-Combat Update (PCU) era. They can be found in the original installation directory of the Star Wars Galaxies game: C:\Program Files (x86)\StarWarsGalaxies\. The TRE files to load can be modified in the /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua file.

  • TrePath = The full path to the directory that contains the TRE files and the live.cfg configuration file. By default, SWGEmu will look for TRE files in the /home/swgemu/Desktop/SWGEmu/ directory.
  • TreFiles = All of the TRE files to load for the server. Custom TRE files can also be added here.
    • bottom.tre
    • data_animation_00.tre
    • data_music_00.tre
    • data_other_00.tre
    • data_sample_00.tre
    • data_sample_01.tre
    • data_sample_02.tre
    • data_sample_03.tre
    • data_sample_04.tre
    • data_skeletal_mesh_00.tre
    • data_skeletal_mesh_01.tre
    • data_sku1_00.tre
    • data_sku1_01.tre
    • data_sku1_02.tre
    • data_sku1_03.tre
    • data_sku1_04.tre
    • data_sku1_05.tre
    • data_sku1_06.tre
    • data_sku1_07.tre
    • data_static_mesh_00.tre
    • data_static_mesh_01.tre
    • data_texture_00.tre
    • data_texture_01.tre
    • data_texture_02.tre
    • data_texture_03.tre
    • data_texture_04.tre
    • data_texture_05.tre
    • data_texture_06.tre
    • data_texture_07.tre
    • default_patch.tre
    • patch_00.tre
    • patch_01.tre
    • patch_02.tre
    • patch_03.tre
    • patch_04.tre
    • patch_05.tre
    • patch_06.tre
    • patch_07.tre
    • patch_08.tre
    • patch_09.tre
    • patch_10.tre
    • patch_11_00.tre
    • patch_11_01.tre
    • patch_11_02.tre
    • patch_11_03.tre
    • patch_12_00.tre
    • patch_13_00.tre
    • patch_14_00.tre
    • patch_sku1_12_00.tre
    • patch_sku1_13_00.tre
    • patch_sku1_14_00.tre

Getting Started - Planets

By default, only the Tutorial and Tatooine zones are enabled to lower the resource usage of a new server. Enabling and disabling zones/planets is handled in the /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua file with the "ZonesEnabled" variable. Remove any "--" Lua comment characters from planets that should be enabled. Below is an example of enabling all zones except for space (which are currently not implemented server side).

        ZonesEnabled = {


All of the server files are located in /opt/swgemu-server/ directory. The main configuration file is /opt/swgemu-server/bin/conf/config.lua.

Lua scripts from /opt/swgemu-server/bin/scripts/ are used to handle many in-game mechanics.

  • ai = Determine artificial intelligence (A.I.) logic for non-player characters (NPCs).
  • commands = Commands that player characters (PCs) can run in-game.
  • loot = These handle which objects can be found in continers or dropped from a dead NPC.
  • managers = These handle passive events such as weather, player creation, crafting, etc.
  • mobile = Determine when, where, and for how long objects will spawn.
  • object = All objects in the game such as armor, weapons, and space ships.
  • screenplays = These handle reactions to events that players can trigger such as conversations.
  • skills = User privileges are defined here for use with the "staff" groups.
  • staff = Staff groups are assigned to a player character (via the database) as a access control list (ACL) for what commands they can run.
  • utils = Miscellaneous global functions that can be used for other scripts.


Many ports are used for the SWGEmu server.

Name Port Type Description
ORBPort 44419 TCP The port to listen on for the MMOCoreORB game engine.
DBPort 3306 TCP The MySQL database client port to connect to the "swgemu" database..
Login Port 44453 UDP The port to listen on for user account authentication.
MantisPort 3306 TCP The MySQL databse client port to use to connect to the "mantis" database.
PingPort 44462 UDP The port to listen on for simple server status connections from clients.
StatusPort 44455 TCP The port to listen on to report the health of a server.
WebPorts 44460 TCP Not enabled by default.


SWGEmu user accounts are stored in the swgemu.accounts MySQL table. User passwords are stored as a SHA256 hash of the database secret, user account password, and a random salt string all combined together.

$ echo -n "<DBSECRET><SWGEMU_USER_PASSWORD><SALT>" | sha256sum
$ mysql -u swgemu -p
Enter password: <MYSQL_PASSWORD>
mysql> INSERT INTO swgemu.accounts (username, station_id, password, salt, active) VALUES ("swgemu", <RANDOM_INT>, "<SHA256_HASH>", "<SALT>", 1);

Different admin levels exist to give users more or less control of the server. These access control lists (ACLs) are all defined as Lua scripts in /opt/swgemu-server/bin/scripts/staff/levels/. The default levels include:

  • 15 = Administrator
  • 14 = Developer
  • 13 = Quality assurance (QA)
  • 12 = Community Support Representative (CSR)
  • 11 = Event Coordinator (EC)
  • 10 = Event Coordinator Intern (ECI)
  • 9 = Community Support Intern (CSI)
  • 8 = CT
  • 7 = CC
  • 6 = Tester
  • 1 = Intern
  • 0 = Non-privileged player (the default admin_level)

Create an administrator user account. This can be used to log in and test the server. Example:

$ echo -n 'swgemus3cr37!p@$$w0rdsalt123' | sha256sum
$ mysql -u swgemu -p
Enter password: <MYSQL_PASSWORD>
mysql> INSERT INTO swgemu.accounts (username, admin_level, station_id, password, salt, active) VALUES ("swgemu", 15, 123456, "e540d339d398b31984b441af648bcb3a4739c14b5c917eaa0baf91cea74c5f41", "salt123", 1);