A curated list of awesome Java topics.
Specifications (https://jcp.org/en/jsr/all)
JSR-196 Java Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers or "JASPIC"
JSR-374 Java API for JSON Processing 1.1
JSR-375 Java Authentication and Authorization Service or "JAAS" (Java EE Security API)
JSR-380 Java Bean Validation v2.0
- omnisecurity-jaspic-undertow
- javaee6-auth-example (JASPIC with ServerAuthModule or "SAM")
- elytron-examples
- wildfly
- jaspic-jaas-bridge
- DTOs or not?
- Is it bad to create different DTOs for REST request and response?
- Representation - Domain Entity or DTOs
- Reusing DTOs for request/response
- Input model is too general
- Introducing the PATCH method
- PUT vs PATCH with real life examples
- Please. Don't Patch Like That
- Resource Modeling
- The Many Amazing Uses of JSON Schema: Client-side Validation
- JSON API, OpenAPI and JSON Schema Working in Harmony
- Creating Good API Errors in REST, GraphQL and gRPC
- Patching JAX-RS
- Zalando RESTful API and Event Scheme Guidelines