Goal: To fit my needs and hopefully, someone else's
(work in progress) my plan is to add a bit of code at least 2-4 times per week (until I reach a satisfying point)
fn main() {
let config: JSONConfiguration = configuration::reader::read("./config.json").unwrap();
println!("[{}] - Configuration read", line!(),);
LocalPool::new().run_until(async {
consume(&config, &handler).await;
fn handler(_delivery: &DeliveredMessage) -> HandleMessageResult {
// In order to read the message you need to convert the _delivery.data from a u8 vec to a utf8 string :
// std::str::from_utf8(&_delivery.data))
return HandleMessageResult::Ack;
fn main() {
let config: JSONConfiguration = configuration::reader::read("./config.json").unwrap();
println!("[{}] - Configuration read", line!(),);
LocalPool::new().run_until(async {
loop {
let outcome = publish(
println!("[{}] - {:?}", line!(), outcome);
let delay = time::Duration::from_millis(500);
The entire configuration supports default implementations. So if the default assumptions are right for you don't need to provide the entire config, only the parts you are interested in.
This is a full example
"connection": {
"host": "",
"port": 5672,
"vhost": "/",
"heartbeat": 10,
"connection_timeout": 1000,
"username": "secure",
"password": "secure",
"retry": 4
"binding": {
"queue": "myQueue",
"exchange": "myExchange",
"routing_key": "myKey",
"exchange_declaration_options": {
"passive": false,
"durable": true,
"auto_delete": false
"declare": {
"queue": true,
"exchange": true,
"binding": true
The whole idea is basically to be able to create a consumer or publisher project with minimal effort, by bypassing templating, configuration and complicated resiliency logic.
The only thing, that will eventually needed is to write the message handler logic