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My Dotfiles

QTile with vim+powerline and neofetch running


Display Manager: LightDM
Screen Locker: Light-locker
Window Manager: Qtile (with optional xfce4 as fallback)
Bar: QTile built-in bar
Layouts: Master and stack, full screen, tree view
Teminal: URXVT
Shell: Zshell (with oh-my-zsh)
File Manager: Ranger (with PCManFM as a graphical fallback)
Browser: Firefox
Music Player: Cmus
Editor: Vim
Program Launcher: Dmenu
Document Viewer: Zathura and Master PDF Editor 5 (for editing documents)
Font: Hack (Patched with Nerd Fonts)

In this repo you will find my dotfles for various programs, but mainly Qtile vim, zsh and Ranger.

The install script tends to be buggy, so i suggest you deploy manually instead. The installer source code will provide all the information you need

Running the installer will deplay my configs with the programs i like, so i suggest you take a look at the contents before running it. script only works on Arch. I am working on porting this to other distros and make this more flexible. Given a bank Arch install, the installer shuld get you to a functional desktop with all the programs you might need for day-to-day use.

For a list of the Keybinds used with my QTile setup, see here