Several python scripts that perfrom various tasks such as:
- Sequence parsing (seqtools)
- Phylogeny manipulation (treetools)
- Machine Learning (sklearn_dbscan)
- Heat map generation via seaborn (seq_pheno_clustering)
- Protein homology modeling via modeller (homology_prediction)
- Flow cytometry (flow_analysis) uses which is included in this repo.
Prepare your workspace.
>>> import seqtools as st
>>> reader = st.ReadSequenceFile()
>>> writer = st.WriteSequenceFile()
>>> parser = st.ParseSequences()
Read in a fasta file:
>>> data = reader.fasta("test.fasta")
Parse the data (for example remove sequences that contain 'X'):
>>> data_clean = parser.remove_bad_seqs_protein(data)
Enter characters to remove: X
1030 protein sequences remove
Sequences in dataset: 5166
Name | Description |
remove_bad_seqs_DNA | Remove user defined bad sequences from DNA data. |
remove_bad_seqs_protein | Remove user defined bad seuences from protein data. |
site_count_DNA | Calculates the percentage of A/G/T/C at a user defined site. |
- remove_duplicates: Removes duplicate sequences.
- sort_seqs: Sorts sequences based on the user defined site and character. Outputs a list containing the sequences meeting the defined criteria and sequences that do not.
- pattern_match: Returns a list that match a specific user defined pattern.
writer.fasta("output.fasta", data)
- NEXUS file format support
- site_count for protein
- Dictionary iteration instead of list iterations
- Consensus sequence generation (user defined percentage)
FlowCytometryTools (latest version) matplotlib (>1.13.1) scipy (latest version) ipython
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt4
$ pip3 install -U --user ete3
Credit should be given to user 'themantalope' for explaining and providing code for converting a newick format tree to a scipy.cluster.hierachy linkage matrix:
*Note dbscan_lev_distance does not work as intended