- 👋 Hi, I’m @elijah-chou
- 👀 I’m interested in software engineering, with a specific interest in either back-end engineering or cloud development. Really just out here trying to get as much experience as I can. I've interned at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Georgia Tech Research Institute, and AT&T with software development projects.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning graduate-level Information Retrieval, Text Processing Neural Networks, and Biostatistics for Machine Learning. However, I have taken various other classes such as Data Structures, Algorithms, Computer Vision, Human AI Interaction, Systems Programming, Information Visualization, and Machine Learning. I have experience with Java, Python, JavaScript, C, and R. Some major frameworks and systems I've worked with include Kubernetes, Apache Kafka, Spring Boot/Integration, and Apache Airflow. I have certifications as a AWS Cloud Practictioner (CLF-CO1), as a Terraform Associate (003), in ISC2's Certified in Cybersecurity (CC), and in Apache Airflow Fundamentals!
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on any kind of project that I will either be able to contribute a lot or learn a good deal of new technologies.
- 📫 How to reach me: personal email is ecool7079@gmail.com; alumni Emory email is elijah.chou@alumni.emory.edu; professional email is elijah.chou0321@gmail.com. You can also reach out to me via my phone number +1 (518) 903-9531, but I would highly appreciate it if you reached out to me via email beforehand! :)
Portfolio Website: https://elijah-chou.github.io/MyPage/
Honors Thesis: https://etd.library.emory.edu/concern/etds/b8515p78f?locale=en
Published Paper: https://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=RN+84ZeMvAY=&t=1