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Fast Issues

A GitHub app to speed up the creation of GitHub issues using plain text.


This app allows to enter GitHub issues in plain text in a text box and will automatically create the issues on submission using the GitHub API.

The only required field is the title. It also supports assigning the issue to someone, setting a description (that can any length but no line breaks), and tagging it with labels. All these fields must be separated by a pipe character.

Assignation and labeling supports multiple assignees and labels if they're separated by a comma.

For example:

Issue title | assignee | Description of the issue. | enhancement, speed

The app can be found at

alt text


To install this locally:

git clone
cd fast-issues
npm install

If you want to create your own, this requires you to create a GitHub OAuth app, and to get the client id and client secret into a .env file in the app root. It should be like:


Other accepted vars that can be defined here are:



There are some scripts included to build different environments:

Command Description
npm run server Starts the server with Express debugging, restarting automatically when files change.
npm run build Build final files in a /public repository.


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Octokit REST to interact with the GitHub API
  • dotenv to keep the configuration in the environment separated from the code.
  • nodemon to restart the server when the files change.
  • axios to handle data requests.


  • React