countdown is a song by john coltrane, but also a backwards counting timer app (this one!).
the timer has an accurate implementation that fights ignores the inherent time drift javascript timers has, and is designed to keep going even if the page is refreshed or the tab is closed.
it's built using react.js, and deployed with the help of gh-pages.
this project is part of my job application process at redhat.
clone this repository locally
install dependencies and run the development server:
npm i npm start
this project was bootstrapped with create-react-app, so all development workflows are executed via npm commands, by running npm run [command]
besides the commands available out of the box (start
, test
and build
), it has the additional following ones:
- builds the project and uploads the artifact to
- builds the project and launches a local node.js server.
icons grabbed from dryicons.