Managely is a multi-user collaborative project management app.
Users can create project boards, create categories, tasks, labels, and invite other to collaborate with them on their projects.
Tasks details can be edited:
- title
- description
- assignee
- category (via dropdown and drag-and-drop)
- position within a category (via drag-and-drop)
- labels
Images can also be added to tasks as attachments
Tasks in a project board can be filtered based on a user's search.
- React-router-dom
- Redux
- React-redux
- Session based authentication and authorization
- Semantic UI
- Cloudinary
- React-beautiful-dnd (drag-and-drop)
- Node.js
- npm
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
Clone both the frontend and the backend repositories onto your machine using git clone
into the backend repository
Run bundle install
to download the necessary gems.
Run rails db:create && rails db:migrate
to create the database and the migrations.
Run rails db:seed
to seed the database.
Run rails s
to start the rails server (it will run on on PORT 3000)
into the frontend repository:
Run npm install
to install the necessary package dependencies
Run npm start
to run the app in development mode
Follow the prompt to allow React to run on PORT 3001