AdaZones is multizones and or multicards gestion for Adalight protocol.
some examples with my config:
Install: npm install adazones TODO: VM install instructions coming soon
Configure settings.json:
"stdin":"\\\\.\\pipe\\hyperion", -> adalight stream from hyperion (VM pipe or dev/ttyUSB ttyACM (see hyperion doc)
"name":"ambilight", -> filename for your zones led settings (folder zones)
"port":"COM5", -> default COM number
"white":[255,255,255], -> define your white value
"baudrate":500000, -> COM baudrate speed (this setting has to be same in hyperion json config and arduino
"VM":"hyperion" -> VM machine name to launch
For windows: Edit the batch file : pathfile / port number /zone name Create a shortcut and place it in launcher windows folder
Mode module :
var adazones = require("adazones"); adazones.init( your zone filename);
Mode server :
node pathfile/adazones.js port:XXXXX zone:XXX