A basic script to get a new Windows PC up and running with a few essential programms
Since winget is a thing this is propably not for you anymore. If you want to create packs of apps you can use winstall
Please download the program here: Releases
- Unzip the two .exe files
- First start the "Install_Chocolatley.exe" and let it install
- Second start the "Install_Programms.exe" and let it install
- You are done!
- Firefox (webbrowser)
- 7-Zip (compression programm)
- Discord (chat programm)
- Paint.NET (drawing/image manipulation program)
- Steam (game service)
- Epic Games (game service)
- WhatsApp Web (desktop client for WhatsApp)
- OBS (recording program)
- iTunes (Apple iTunes for Windows)
- Zoom (meeting programm)
- Visual Studio Code (text editor)
- Blender (3D programm)
- Powertoys (general utility program)
- Voicemeeter Banana (sound mixing program)
- Fix installation with Chrome
Please note, that I'm not responsible for any errors, that might occur using this script.