My config files to use in different environments
To install the configs you must have stow
In arch pacman -S stow
In mac brew install stow
stow <folder>
# for example
stow neovim
make install stow
pamac install stow lsd manjaro-zsh-config ripgrep fzf
pamac build neovim-nightly-bin antigen starship-bin pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
Homebrew is required:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install everything we need:
brew install zsh neofetch antigen starship pyenv pyenv-virtualenv lsd rg fzf git-number stow
brew tap jason0x43/homebrew-neovim-nightly
brew install neovim-nightly
To prevent tmux dying when the user logout (or wayland crashes) we have to enable linger for systemd service:
loginctl enable-linger $USER
Also enable the included tmux.service
systemctl enable --now --user tmux.service
This will start tmux every the gnome-session is started, this is because
the polkit
GUI to askfor permission doesn't appear if running on the.
target (sime envvars not defined).