Broadcast Extractor is a small proof of concept code to demonstrate how to extract information's from broadcast data.
Make sure you have permission from the network owners before running this tool. Make sure you check with your local laws before running this tool. Unauthorized eavesdropping can land you in trouble if you don't follow the rules and law. This tool is only intended to be a proof of concept demonstration tool for authorized security testing. -- UCSniff Disclaimer
# on macOS only, install libdnet
brew install libdnet
pip3 install dnslib netaddr kamene
python3 -v -i eth0
INFO: Found Canon BJNP, IP: MAC: ad:52:59:f2:8b:5a
INFO: Found Dropbox LanSync, IP: MAC: 8c:c7:32:fa:bf:33
INFO: Found Spotify User, IP: MAC: aa:da:ea:6c:18:bc
INFO: Found LLMNR, IP: fe80::ee2e:7fff:feb1:e3f9 MAC: ec:2e:7f:b1:e3:f9 Hostname: foxdtnmw
INFO: Found LLMNR, IP: MAC: ec:2e:7f:b1:e3:f9 Hostname: foxdtnmw
INFO: Found BROWSER, IP: MAC: 4c:e9:34:b1:01:06 Hostname:
INFO: Found mDNS, IP: MAC: 7a:2b:75:4f:c7:c5 Hostname: Johns-MacBook-Air
INFO: Found mDNS, IP: fe80::782b:75ff:fe4f:c7c5 MAC: 7a:2b:75:4f:c7:c5 Hostname: Johns-MacBook-Air