An SDK compatible with multiple Windows versions of Source Engine.
git clone <repo> --recursive
If files / submodules appear to be missing after pulling new commits, update with git submodule update --init --recursive
- Open your build directory
mkdir build
cd build
- Configure a 32-bit or 64-bit build (depending on the game)
# This will use the default architecture
cmake <xsdk-base-folder> -D XSDK_BUILD_EXAMPLES=1
# This will use 32-bit, specifically
cmake <xsdk-base-folder> -D XSDK_BUILD_EXAMPLES=1 -A Win32
- Build a debug or release binary
# This builds the default config (Debug)
cmake --build .
# This builds a release binary with debug info. This improves the symbols in stack traces.
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
There are a couple options.
- A: Open the CMake project with VS, or
- B: Perform the CMake steps 1 & 2 to generate the VS project files
- This should use Visual Studio's CMake Generator by default. If not, you will have to add a commandline argument to set VS as the CMake Generator.