elutiger/weworkapi 是weworkapi_php (official lib of wework api https://work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc) 在laravel下的安装包,支持laravel5.5以上版本测试使用。本库仅做示范用,并不保证完全无bug;另外,作者会不定期更新本库,但不保证与官方API接口文档同步,因此一切以官方文档为准。
step 1: $ composer require elutiger/weworkapi-for-laravel5 "dev-master"
step 2: $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Elutiger\Weworkapi\WeworkapiServiceProvider"
change the config in the generated file "config/weworkapi.php"
// 请将下面参数改为自己的企业相关参数再进行测试
return array (
// 企业的id,在管理端->"我的企业" 可以看到
"CORP_ID" => "ww4b7f2b843202****",
// "通讯录同步"应用的secret, 开启api接口同步后,可以在管理端->"通讯录同步"看到
// 自建应用的id及secret, 在管理端 -> 企业应用 -> 自建应用, 点进相应应用可以看到
"AGENTS" => [
"WEWORK_APP_1" => [
"APP_ID" => 1000002,
"APP_SECRET" => "Q0yAyQhZ2pXt12pcMRq36g1dbrEci028GTVIDNyKqLg",
"APP_NAME" => "应用消息",
// 打卡应用的 id 及secrete, 在管理端 -> 企业应用 -> 基础应用 -> 打卡,
// 点进去,有个"api"按钮,点开后,会看到
"CHECKIN_APP_ID" => 3010011,
// 审批应用的 id 及secrete, 在管理端 -> 企业应用 -> 基础应用 -> 审批,
// 点进去,有个"api"按钮,点开后,会看到
"APPROVAL_APP_ID" => 3010040,
step 3: add facade alias to the config file "config/app.php", in the case add code lines to the aliases array like below
'Weworkapi' => Elutiger\Weworkapi\Facades\Weworkapi::class,
use Log;
use Weworkapi;
use Elutiger\Weworkapi\Message;
use Elutiger\Weworkapi\NewsMessageContent;
use Elutiger\Weworkapi\NewsArticle;
$agent = config('weworkapi.AGENTS.WEWORK_APP_1');
Weworkapi::init(config('weworkapi.CORP_ID'), $agent['APP_SECRET']);
try {
$message = new Message();
$message->sendToAll = false;
$message->touser = ['userid'];
$message->toparty = [];
$message->totag = [];
$message->agentid = $agent['APP_ID'];
$message->safe = 0;
$message->messageContent = new NewsMessageContent(
new NewsArticle(
$title = $event->notice_data->title,
$description = $event->notice_data->description,
$url = $event->notice_data->url,
$picurl = "http://res.mail.qq.com/node/ww/wwopenmng/images/independent/doc/test_pic_msg1.png",
$btntxt = $event->notice_data->btntxt
/*$message->messageContent = new \TextCardMessageContent(
$title = $event->notice_data->title,
$description = $event->notice_data->description,
$url = $event->notice_data->url,
$btntxt = $event->notice_data->btntxt
$invalidUserIdList = null;
$invalidPartyIdList = null;
$invalidTagIdList = null;
Weworkapi::MessageSend($message, $invalidUserIdList, $invalidPartyIdList, $invalidTagIdList);
} catch (Exception $e) {