An OpenAI-gym-like environment for Little Fighter 2
The major contributors of this repository include Yu-Jing Lin, Po-Wei Wu, Yu-Jhe Li and Hsin-Yu Chang.
Little Fighter 2 is a freeware PC 2.5D fighting game. We wrapped its open source version, F.LF, into a trainable environment for reinforcement learning.
This environment is used and described in the paper "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Playing 2.5D Fighting Games" (
By applying reinforcement learning methods on the LF2 Gym, the agent is able to play Woody (the one in green) against Louis as shown below.
Clone the LF2 Gym repository.
git clone cd lf2gym
Download the open source LF2 from Project F and make it trainable (see here).
Install Python 3 and get all dependencies.
This project is developed under Python 3.6.2 and has been tested in Python 3.4.0.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install Tkinter (optional, for screen rendering)
Install Tkinter if you want to render the game on screen. On the other hand, you can use Google Chrome to run the game without calling
.Install Tkinter in Ubuntu for Python 3.
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
Install Tkinter in CentOS for Python 3
sudo yum install python3-tkinter
Make an LF2 environment.
Note: The web driver will be closed automatically when the process exits.
import lf2gym
env = lf2gym.make()
All parameters for make()
are described here.
Or if you simply want to run a LF2Server.
import lf2gym
Open your browser, and connect to
to play LF2!
Keyboard control setting is described here.
If you encounter selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: cannot find Chrome binary
, which means Selenium cannot find the Chrome browser on your computer, please install it.
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
If you encounter selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally
, which means your computer probably doesn't support GUI, please run Chromedriver under headless mode
env = lf2gym.make(headless=True)
Some examples demonstrate how to use the LF2 Gym.
cd example
To try a simple example.
simulates an agent with predefined actions to play Davis against dumb Dennis, and saves the recording totest.avi
. -
To play with a baby agent, which only takes random actions.
You can even choose the characters to play with.
python [Your Character] [Your Enemy]
Reset the environment.
Reset with custom options.
options = env.get_reset_options() # {'ai_epsilon': None, 'hp_full': 500, 'mp_full': 500, 'mp_start': 500}
options['ai_epsilon'] = 0.1
options['hp_full'] = 1000
options['mp_full'] = 2e8
options['mp_start'] = 2e8
Option | Description | Default Value |
ai_epsilon | Action epsilon for the rule-based AI. Should be in (0, 1). | None I.e. 0 . |
hp_full | Full HP for all characters. | 500 |
mp_full | Full MP for all characters. | 500 |
mp_start | Initial MP for all characters. | 500 |
Render the environment in a new window.
Take an action.
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(0) # actions are defined in the action space
Return | Type | Description |
observation | (160, 380, 4) | stacked frames from screenshots |
reward | float | game reward |
done | Boolean | game over |
info | Boolean | step succeed |
Get the specification of environment.
state_size = env.observation_space.n
action_size = env.action_space.n
action_space = env.action_space
Get the log in the browser.
Get current game information (hp, mp, position, speed, action, ...) of each character.
Skip N frames. N
is an integer. E.g. 100
Perform specific key actions. sequence
can be an action or several actions (sequential key inputs). E.g. ['w']
Start recording
The frames will be store in the buffer wheneverenv.step()
Stop recording
Stop storing frames to the buffer.env.stop_recording()
Save the recorded frames to a video file.
It supports.avi
formats.env.save_recording(filename, delete_after_saved=True)
Parameter | Description | Available Values | Default Value |
ip | The LF2Server IP. | A string of IP. | '' |
port | The LF2Server port. | An Integer of port. | 8000 |
startServer | Start a new LF2Server. | A Boolean. | True |
wrap | Wrap the env with memory 4 or with a skip-4 wrapper. | '4' or 'skip4' , 'skip5' , ... |
'skip4' |
driverType | Web driver type. | WebDriver.PhantomJS , WebDriver.Chrome or WebDriver.Firefox |
WebDriver.PhantomJS |
characters | Character selection [Me, AI]. | Character. | [Character.Davis, Character.Dennis] |
difficulty | Difficulty of enemies. | Difficulty.Dumbass' , Difficulty.Challangar or Difficulty.Crusher |
Difficulty.Dumbass |
background | Background selection. | Background. | Background.HK_Coliseum |
action_options | Please refer to Group of Actions. | A list of strings of action groups. | ['Basic', 'AJD', 'Full Combos'] |
versusPlayer | Versus player. If True , the second character will be controlled by user and the game will not be paused. |
A Boolean. | False |
duel | Two agents duel. If True , step() takes two actions for the two agents. |
A Boolean. | False |
rewardList | Take what factors into account for rewards. | ['hp'] or ['hp', 'mp'] |
['hp'] |
localDriver | Whether to use local web driver. | A Boolean. | True |
headless | Enable browser headless mode (currently for Chrome only). | A Boolean. | False |
canvasSize | The canvas size to capture in the browser. | A tuple of 2 integers. | (550, 794) |
debug | Print out debug messages. | A Boolean. | False |
The all available web drivers, characters, difficulties, and backgrounds are defined in
Although we implemented PhantomJS, ChromeDriver and GeckoDriver, some errors occur when using GeckoDriver with Firefox. Therefore, we recommend to use PhantomJS or ChromeDriver with Google Chrome. Note that Google Chrome browser or Firefox browser should be installed first.
Value | Action | Skip-N Action | Value | Action | Skip-N Action |
0 | idle | idle | 11 | v> | A |
1 | ^ | ^ | 12 | ^< | J |
2 | v | v | 13 | v< | D |
3 | < | < | 14 | D < A | |
4 | > | > | 15 | D > A | |
5 | A | ^> | 16 | D < J | |
6 | J | v> | 17 | D > J | |
7 | D | ^< | 18 | D ^ A | |
8 | < < | v< | 19 | D v A | |
9 | > > | < < | 20 | D ^ J | |
10 | ^> | > > | 21 | D v J |
With the default action_options
, which is ['Basic', 'AJD', 'Full Combos']
, the skip-N action space is
Value | SN Act | Value | SN Act | Value | SN Act | Value | SN Act |
0 | idle | 4 | > | 8 | D < A | 12 | D ^ A |
1 | ^ | 5 | A | 9 | D > A | 13 | D v A |
2 | v | 6 | J | 10 | D < J | 14 | D ^ J |
3 | < | 7 | D | 11 | D > J | 15 | D v J |
Group | Actions |
'Basic' |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] |
'Advanced' |
[5, 6, 7, 8] |
'Run' |
[9, 10] |
'AJD' |
[11, 12, 13] |
'Full Combos' |
[14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21] |
'No Combos' |
[], and remove all actions of 'Full Combos' |
Action | Player 1 | Player 2 |
Up | W | Up (U) |
Right | D | Right (K) |
Down | X | Down (M) |
Left | A | Left (H) |
Attack | S | J (J) |
Jump | Q | U (I) |
Defense | Z | M (,) |
In order to train the agent better, we did some modifications to the original game. See here.
The web drivers will be downloaded automatically when used.
The following web drivers are utilized to run the game.
- PhantomJS - ChromeDriver (Google Chrome) - GeckoDriver (Firefox)
This project is based on the open source Little Fighter 2 game of Project F.
The OpenAI Gym is taken for reference to design the architecture of lf2gym
If you find our code useful for your research, please cite
title={Deep Reinforcement Learning for Playing 2.5D Fighting Games},
author={Li, Yu-Jhe and Chang, Hsin-Yu and Lin, Yu-Jing and Wu, Po-Wei and Wang, Yu-Chiang},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ({ICIP})},