This page provides an easy way to prototype HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in an isolated environment.
At no time does this page store your code in any database on any servers. It lives entirely in the client browser. However, your code is shareable. The code you write is encoded as base64 and stored in query params in the URL. You can share the URL with others so that they can also see and run your code.
- Note that when you make changes to your code, the URL query params change, so sharing the new URL is required.
- Also note that the URL length is dependent on how much code you write, so it could get extremely long. I can't seem to find a hard limit on the maximum allowable length of query strings, so just be advised, it can get LOOOOONG.
Write HTML, CSS and JavaScript in the panels provided at the left, use the tabs to switch between them.
Any logs or errors from your code will be displayed in the CONSOLE panel at the right. The web-page preview will be displayed in the PREVIEW panel at the right. You can [optionally] click the 'Pop-Out Preview' button in the PREVIEW panel to have the preview also open as a separate window. Note: You must click RUN again after activating the 'Pop-Out Preview' button in order for the pop-out window to be created.
This is a hobby project created for my own development and testing. You are free to use it as you wish, but I cannot offer any support or guarantees of any kind. If the site goes down or the site's code breaks, you'll have to bear with me until I can get around to fixing it.
With all that out of the way: Happy coding!
Created by Eben Maglic | 2021 - 2022
The /public folder contains the pre-compiled version of the project, should you want to use it without compiling it yourself.