creating a restaurant website
Table-of-contents -Restaurant
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Technicality
- System requirement specification
- Language, Framework & other technicalities
- Summary: Restaurant-foodtuck A restaurant management system is a type of point-of-sale (POS) software specifically designed for restaurants, bars, food trucks and others in the food service industry
- To add and maintain records of available menu.
- To create a admin module
- To create a employe database
- To provide menu list of food over that can attract customers
- restaurant owners/administrators/managers
- restaurant employees
- Clients/customers
- view dashboard
- registration(sign up if no account)
- login
- ID/PASSPORT NO verification
- password
- order food
- payment(whichever mode available)
- give feedback
- log out/ sign out
These requirements won’t affect the usability of the system but will make the system more efficient and long term. They may or may not be implemented but the system will work normally:-
- Platform compatibility
- Security (details are secured)
- Fast internet connection
- Encryption of Data
- Requirement testing:- Also I intend to do cross-platform compatibility testing to see whether the system will run on several Operating Systems.
- CSS - (framework)
- Java scripts
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