Public collection of random technologies I play around with. Mostly the result of my "Study and Practice" approach.
List of things I plan to add on this repo.
- Deploy a custom image in DockerHub
- Go server with multiple api to handle
- plain response
- GET ServiceAccount user token
- Create files (volume.txt, persistent-volume.txt)
- GET all ConfigMaps and Secrets
- GET/List pods
- GET/List CRDs
- Go server with multiple api to handle
- Create a deployment using the custom image
- Create ServiceAccount, Role, RoleBinding
- for GET/List pods
- for GET/List CRDs
- Add a sidecar to the deployment
- add random header in the rquest
- Create Volume/PersistentVolume
- store the files from the custom api accordingly
- Create ConfigMaps/Secrets kinds
- Setup Services/Ingress
- Setup NetworkPolicy for Ingress/Egress
- setup the ingress policy for the custom api
- setup the egress policy for the custom api
- create pods that curls the custom api
Advance Topics
- Deploy a full ORY setup in the cluster
- Details TBD
- Create CRD, ConfigMap and Secret
- Prepare Deployment and Pod yaml for controller
- Generate the CRD controller
- CRD create
- print all ConfigMap/Secret
- apply the deployment yaml
- CRD update
- change values in ConfigMap/Secret
- delete old deployment
- apply the deployment yaml
- CRD delete
- CRD create
- Generate Go Client from swagger.json
- Generate swagger.json from Go (Swaggo)
- use swaggo annotations
- serve swagger ui
- Generate swagger.json from Go (Fizz)