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Prototype to demonstrate VM preemption in vSphere with Temporal Workflow Engine


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vSphere Preemption

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Prototype to demonstrate preemption of specific virtual machines (VMs) in vSphere based on a custom preemption workflow developed and executed by the Temporal Workflow Engine.


Virtual Machine (VM) preemption is a common pattern in cloud environments where certain VMs can be powered off based on their criticality (quality of service) or lifetime (also known as "spot instances"). This pattern is often used to offer "cheap" compute or power off/terminate instances when resources are short.

As of today, VMware vSphere does not support preemption natively.

This prototype, in conjunction with an external trigger, e.g. a function deployed in VMware Event Broker Appliance (VEBA), shows how such a feature can be built on top of vSphere primitives in an event-driven manner.

When the aforementioned example function is used, preemption is triggered by using vSphere AlarmStatusChangedEvents to start a multi-step asynchronous (non-blocking) workflow to identify and power off preemptible VMs.

Why not VM Reservations and Admission Control?

In case of failed (vSphere HA) or workload rebalancing (vSphere DRS), vCenter performs admission control based on the individually configured VM resources (reservations, shares, etc. if any) and total number of workloads running in a cluster.

vSphere attempts to guarantee that enough (spare) cluster capacity is available in case of failure for all running virtual machines with defined reservations. If not enough capacity is available during a power on operation for a VM with reservations, admission check would fail and the VM would not be able to power on.

Under certain scenarios this might not lead to the desired outcome, e.g. when losing a significant amount of cluster capacity. Or when the cluster reaches a certain level of utilization under normal operation and VMs start contending for resources which cannot/should not be expressed with reservations.

In such scenarios, having support for workload preemption, i.e. powering off specific VMs to make room for critical workloads and release resources (capacity) is desirable.

Also note that the equivalent of "spot" instances cannot be modeled with the current vSphere primitives, i.e. shares, reservations and limits.

The Preemption Workflow

The workflow is divided into several activities, executed by a custom Temporal worker:

  1. Identify preemptible VMs (based on vSphere tags)
  2. Power off the identified VMs; soft or hard, depending on CRITICALITY (1)
  3. Annotate the powered off VMs with detailed information using a custom attribute (2)
  4. Optionally: send a custom CloudEvent (3) with detailed information, e.g. to a Knative broker

Any of these steps can fail, so it's imperative to build a robust workflow which can handle various failure scenarios, e.g. by retrying a failed step, persisting state across these steps to ensure deterministic behavior, enforcing timeouts to avoid blocking/running execution runs, etc.

See Why a Workflow Engine? for more details.

Note: The workflow implementation uses Temporal signals to send workflow requests to the worker. That means, once a workflow is started it will block on more signals and will not terminate unless explicitly cancelled by an external actor or when passing a timeout in the workflow request. For example, the further below mentioned mentioned VEBA example kn-go-preemption sets a timeout of 24h when triggering a workflow. The function also cancels a running workflow when the configured vSphere alert severity level is dropping.

The benefit of signals instead of creating distinct workflows on each request is that the overall workflow keeps running and state can be shared between invocations easily, e.g. to avoid multiple invocations within a short time.

(1) CRITICALITY is determined by the alarm status in the AlarmStatusChangedEvent. "Red" will force an immediate shutdown, whereas a lower alarm state ("yellow") will attempt a soft shutdown.

(2) com.vmware.workflows.vsphere.preemption

(3) com.vmware.workflows.vsphere.VmPreemptedEvent.v0

Why a Workflow Engine?

One could assume that the individual steps, as outlined above, could be combined into one or more microservices/functions. However, this has several challenges:

  • State management and resiliency (retries, timeouts, replays, atomic operations, etc.)
  • Visibility and inspection in an asynchronous/event-driven system with multiple actors
  • Event duplication and concurrency handling to avoid multiple/conflicting preemption operations
  • Scalability (work queue pattern)
  • Unit and end-to-end (chaos) testing

Eventually, one ends up writing a custom workflow engine which should not be underestimated. See Designing A Workflow Engine from First Principles for more details around the challanges and complexities involved in building a robust and scalable workflow engine.


  • Kubernetes environment
  • Temporal Workflow Engine, e.g. via Helm
  • VMware vCenter and security account with sufficient privileges to query tags, power off virtual machines and create/write custom attributes
  • An external actor, e.g. a function, to (periodically) trigger the workflow (1)

Note on External Actors

An external actor is simply a script or program which triggers the defined preemption workflow. This project currently provides two actors:

  • preemptctl CLI README for manual (or cron-based) execution without
  • kn-go-preemption function for a complete event-driven approach based on vSphere alarms


đź’ˇ A detailed video walkthrough is available here (Youtube).

vCenter Settings

When a workflow is triggered from an external actor, e.g. by using a function (see requirements), a vSphere tag and alarm name must be provided.

The vSphere tag, e.g. preemptible, must be assigned to virtual machines which should be powered off. The alarm is used to trigger the execution of the workflow, e.g. using a function, and contains details on the severity (CRITICALITY).

⚠️ Details on creating alarms and tags are out of scope of this project. See this example from the VEBA project for details: kn-go-preemption.

When a VM is powered off in a workflow run, a custom attribute value in JSON format based on a (hardcoded) key com.vmware.workflows.vsphere.preemption is updated to provide details on which workflow/event caused the power operation.

⚠️ This custom attribute will be created by the worker if it does not exist. An administrator can also do this manually through the vCenter UI or programmatically, e.g. using govc:

govc fields.add -type VirtualMachine com.vmware.workflows.vsphere.preemption

⚠️ The worker needs permissions to:

  • search the vCenter inventory for objects (VMs) attached to the specified tag
  • power off these VMs
  • annotate these VMs with a custom attribute

It is recommended to create a dedicated vCenter service account/role for the worker. This account will be used in later steps.

Temporal Settings

Note: The following steps assumes a successfully deployed and running Temporal workflow engine. The examples are based on the official Temporal Helm Chart using the deployment name temporaltest.

Create a dedicated Temporal Namespace, e.g. by opening a $SHELL into the Temporal Kubernetes deployment.

kubectl exec -it services/temporaltest-admintools /bin/bash

From within the container create the namespace vsphere-preemption.

# inside container
tctl --ns vsphere-preemption namespace register


Before deploying the worker instance, a Kubernetes namespace and secret must be created.

kubectl create ns vmware-preemption

Now create a Kubernetes secret for the worker holding the vCenter account information to perform required vCenter operations as described above.

kubectl -n vmware-preemption create secret generic vsphere-credentials --from-literal=username=preemption-worker@vsphere.local --from-literal=password='ReplaceMe'

Download the latest deployment manifest (release.yaml) file from the Github release page and update the environment variables in release.yaml to match your setup. Then save the file under the same name (to follow along with the commands).

Example Download with curl:

curl -L -O

Environment Variables

Variable Description Example Required
TEMPORAL_URL IP/FQDN:<port> of the Temporal Frontend Service* temporaltest-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local:7233 yes
TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE Temporal (not Kubernetes!) namespace to use* vsphere-preemption yes
TEMPORAL_TASKQUEUE User-defined Temporal task queue to send workflows to the worker (created on-demand) vsphere-preemption yes
VCENTER_URL VMware vCenter Server URL https://my-vcenter.corp.local yes
VCENTER_INSECURE Ignore VMware vCenter certificate (TLS) warnings, e.g. when using self-signed certificates "true" or "false" (note the "" around the value are mandatory) no
DEBUG Enable debug logs "true" or "false" (note the "" around the value are mandatory) no
VCENTER_SECRET_PATH Overwrite default mount path of secret (useful during testing) /var/bindings/vsphere no

* As created in earlier steps

Note: In addition to the above custom settings, the worker is configured to allow for up to 5 concurrent vCenter calls (rate limit) and preempt a maximum 10 VMs in a single workflow execution. Failed activities (steps) are retried up to 3 times with backoff logic. If another workflow run is executed within 1 minute after the last run, it will be skipped to avoid too many preemption within a short window.

Deploy to Kubernetes

Now, deploy the worker:

kubectl -n vmware-preemption create -f release.yaml

Verify that the worker is correctly starting:

kubectl -n vmware-preemption logs deploy/vsphere-preemption-worker -f
INFO    internal/internal_worker.go:922 Started Worker  {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-55b6854755-q24vx@"}

When an external actor, e.g. function, triggers the preemption workflow by sending a signal, workflow and activity details can be observed in the log, too:

INFO    log/replay_logger.go:61 waiting for incoming signal     {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "channel": "PreemptVMsChan"}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 received signal {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "signal": {"tag":"preemptible","criticality":"HIGH","event":{"specversion":"1.0","id":"d65a8ad1-7d3c-4f72-ace4-e3f2883c4475","source":"","type":"com.vmware.event.router/event","subject":"AlarmStatusChangedEvent","datacontenttype":"application/json","time":"2021-11-05T13:13:49.993999Z","data":{"Key":15227,"ChainId":15227,"CreatedTime":"2021-11-05T13:13:49.993999Z","UserName":"","Datacenter":{"Name":"vcqaDC","Datacenter":{"Type":"Datacenter","Value":"datacenter-2"}},"ComputeResource":{"Name":"cls","ComputeResource":{"Type":"ClusterComputeResource","Value":"domain-c7"}},"Host":{"Name":"","Host":{"Type":"HostSystem","Value":"host-21"}},"Vm":null,"Ds":null,"Net":null,"Dvs":null,"FullFormattedMessage":"Alarm 'cluster-cpu-above-80' on changed from Green to Red","ChangeTag":"","Alarm":{"Name":"cluster-cpu-above-80","Alarm":{"Type":"Alarm","Value":"alarm-282"}},"Source":{"Name":"cls","Entity":{"Type":"ClusterComputeResource","Value":"domain-c7"}},"Entity":{"Name":"","Entity":{"Type":"HostSystem","Value":"host-21"}},"From":"green","To":"red"},"vsphereapiversion":"6.7.3"},"replyTo":"http://default-broker-ingress.vmware-functions.svc.cluster.local"}}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 searching for preemptible virtual machines      {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 ExecuteActivity {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "ActivityID": "6", "ActivityType": "GetPreemptibleVMs"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:111    searching for preemptible vms   {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "6", "ActivityType": "GetPreemptibleVMs", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "maxPreemptVMs": 10}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:118    tag to vm mapping       {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "6", "ActivityType": "GetPreemptibleVMs", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "tag": "preemptible", "vms": [{"type":"VirtualMachine","id":"vm-58"},{"type":"VirtualMachine","id":"vm-57"}]}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:314    stopping heartbeat      {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "6", "ActivityType": "GetPreemptibleVMs", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8"}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 preemptible virtual machines result     {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "count": 2, "refs": [{"Type":"VirtualMachine","Value":"vm-58"},{"Type":"VirtualMachine","Value":"vm-57"}]}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 preempting virtual machines     {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 ExecuteActivity {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "ActivityID": "20", "ActivityType": "PowerOffVMs"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:151    powering off vms        {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "20", "ActivityType": "PowerOffVMs", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "refs": [{"Type":"VirtualMachine","Value":"vm-58"},{"Type":"VirtualMachine","Value":"vm-57"}]}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:159    waiting for operations to finish        {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "20", "ActivityType": "PowerOffVMs", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:187    vm is not powered on    {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "20", "ActivityType": "PowerOffVMs", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "ref": "VirtualMachine:vm-57"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:314    stopping heartbeat      {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "20", "ActivityType": "PowerOffVMs", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8"}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 preempted virtual machines result       {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "count": 1, "refs": [{"Type":"VirtualMachine","Value":"vm-58"}]}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 annotating preempted virtual machines   {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 ExecuteActivity {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "ActivityID": "26", "ActivityType": "AnnotateVms"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:246    annotating preempted vms        {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "26", "ActivityType": "AnnotateVms", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "refs": [{"Type":"VirtualMachine","Value":"vm-58"}]}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:265    waiting for operations to finish        {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "26", "ActivityType": "AnnotateVms", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:314    stopping heartbeat      {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "26", "ActivityType": "AnnotateVms", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8"}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 sending cloudevents response    {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 ExecuteActivity {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "ActivityID": "32", "ActivityType": "SendPreemptedEvent"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:297    sending cloudevent response     {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "32", "ActivityType": "SendPreemptedEvent", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "id": "cluster-cpu-above-80-d65a8ad1-7d3c-4f72-ace4-e3f2883c4475", "target": "http://default-broker-ingress.vmware-functions.svc.cluster.local"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:303    successfully sent cloudevent response   {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "32", "ActivityType": "SendPreemptedEvent", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "id": "cluster-cpu-above-80-d65a8ad1-7d3c-4f72-ace4-e3f2883c4475", "target": "http://default-broker-ingress.vmware-functions.svc.cluster.local"}
DEBUG   vsphere-preemption/activities.go:314    stopping heartbeat      {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "ActivityID": "32", "ActivityType": "SendPreemptedEvent", "Attempt": 1, "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8"}
INFO    log/replay_logger.go:61 waiting for incoming signal     {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "channel": "PreemptVMsChan"}
DEBUG   log/replay_logger.go:54 received signal {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "signal": {"tag":"preemptible","criticality":"HIGH","event":{"specversion":"1.0","id":"9e1ff305-d662-4d90-8e07-7d1f001a85ad","source":"","type":"com.vmware.event.router/event","subject":"AlarmStatusChangedEvent","datacontenttype":"application/json","time":"2021-11-05T13:13:53.215Z","data":{"Key":15228,"ChainId":15228,"CreatedTime":"2021-11-05T13:13:53.215Z","UserName":"","Datacenter":{"Name":"vcqaDC","Datacenter":{"Type":"Datacenter","Value":"datacenter-2"}},"ComputeResource":{"Name":"cls","ComputeResource":{"Type":"ClusterComputeResource","Value":"domain-c7"}},"Host":{"Name":"","Host":{"Type":"HostSystem","Value":"host-27"}},"Vm":null,"Ds":null,"Net":null,"Dvs":null,"FullFormattedMessage":"Alarm 'cluster-cpu-above-80' on changed from Green to Red","ChangeTag":"","Alarm":{"Name":"cluster-cpu-above-80","Alarm":{"Type":"Alarm","Value":"alarm-282"}},"Source":{"Name":"cls","Entity":{"Type":"ClusterComputeResource","Value":"domain-c7"}},"Entity":{"Name":"","Entity":{"Type":"HostSystem","Value":"host-27"}},"From":"green","To":"red"},"vsphereapiversion":"6.7.3"},"replyTo":"http://default-broker-ingress.vmware-functions.svc.cluster.local"}}
INFO    log/replay_logger.go:61 skipping workflow run because last run is not older than configured re-run threshold        {"Namespace": "vsphere-preemption", "TaskQueue": "vsphere-preemption", "WorkerID": "1@vsphere-preemption-worker-6769bfcdf8-sjms5@", "WorkflowType": "PreemptVMsWorkflow", "WorkflowID": "cluster-cpu-above-80", "RunID": "dc429e3a-1d4a-4884-9cb1-c2dc959bbfd8", "Attempt": 1, "threshold": "1m0s", "currentRun": "2021-11-05 13:13:57.8286876 +0000 UTC", "lastRun": "2021-11-05 13:13:57.8286876 +0000 UTC"}


If the worker is not starting, inspect/verify the following:

  • The worker logs (enable DEBUG environment flag if not already done)
  • All dependencies are installed and working correctly
  • Environment variables are set correctly (especially required variables)

Uninstall Worker

To uninstall the worker, run:

kubectl -n vmware-preemption delete -f release.yaml
kubectl -n vmware-preemption delete secret generic vsphere-credentials
kubectl delete namespace vmware-preemption

Build Custom Image

Note: This step is only required if you made code changes to the Go code.

This example uses ko to build and push container artifacts.

# only when using kind: 
# export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=kind
# export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local

export KO_DOCKER_REPO=my-docker-username
export KO_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD)
export KO_TAG=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)

# build, push and run the worker in the configured Kubernetes context 
# and vmware-preemption Kubernetes namespace
ko resolve -BRf config | kubectl -n vmware-preemption apply -f -

To delete the deployment:

ko -n vmware-preemption delete -f config


Prototype to demonstrate VM preemption in vSphere with Temporal Workflow Engine







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