⚡ OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) implemented in Typescript. Supports OCPP-JSON v1.6.
npm install github:embyt/ts-ocpp --save
defining a central system that accepts OCPP requests:
// port and request handler as arguments
const centralSystem = new CentralSystem(3000, (req, { chargePointId }) => {
switch (req.action) {
case "Heartbeat":
// returns a successful response
// (we pass the action so typescript knows which fields are needed)
return {
action: req.action,
currentTime: new Date().toISOString(),
throw new Error("message not supported");
sending a request to the chargepoint "123":
// Returns a Either(Error or Success) object(functional, will not throw on error)
const response = await centralSystem.sendRequest({
chargePointId: "123",
action: "GetConfiguration",
payload: {},
// it can be used in a functional way
response.map(({ configurationKey }) => configurationKey[0].key);
// or can be used in the standard JS way(will throw if there was an error)
const unsafeResponse = response.unsafeCoerce();
defining a chargepoint that accepts OCPP requests:
// port, request handler and central system URL as arguments
const chargepoint = new ChargePoint(3001, (req) => {
switch (action) {
case "GetConfiguration":
// returns a successful response
// (we pass the action so typescript knows which fields are needed)
return {
action: req.action,
configurationKey: [],
throw new Error("message not supported");
sending a request to the central system(see central system's section to understand the return type):
const response = await chargepoint.sendRequest({ action: 'Heartbeat', payload: {} );