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Pipeline for pre-processing a multi-batch untargeted exometabolome experiment with XCMS on a HPC

A big thank you to Krista Longnecker (WHOI) who laid the groundwork for this code and Elzbieta Lauzikaite (Imperial College London) who setup a similar framework for pbs that I built off

As is, you should be able to run this in your own compute space by installing the conda environment and altering the paths and inputs in the run files. But if you have a different experimental setup, you should also have a look at the R scripts

Install the conda environment via the yml file:

conda env create --file untargmetab.yml

This includes R version 3.6 plus XCMS3 and Autotuner, and jupyter notebook for later analyses. If you're not comfortable with conda or conda+R I recommend starting by reading this blog post by Sarah Hu and then use your friend google.

Note about activating this conda environment on hpc with slurm:

  • Remember that your sbatch command will create a new compute environment for each array so it doesn't know about your conda init
  • Most scripts I've seen use the 'source activate myenv' command. However, when using this my .Rout file kept randomly throwing this error: "/vortexfs1/home/emcparland/.conda/envs/untargmetab/lib/R/bin/R: line 240: /vortexfs1/home/emcparland/.conda/envs/untargmetab/lib/R/etc/ldpaths: No such file or directory"
  • This seems to be a problem for others
  • One suggested solution was to use the newer command 'conda activate myenv'. To do this you need to source your, you'll see this in the code as:

CONDA_BASE=$(conda info --base) source $CONDA_BASE/etc/profile.d/ conda activate untargmetab

-However, the script was still giving the same error randomly when I run larger arrays (though not as many as before?)

-One step further, seems like this is an issue of running the array and initializing the environment every time. For some reason the conda activate initializes the path every time and sometimes the path doesn't exist? I don't fully understand this yet but it seems to be an unresolved issue on git. A fix proposed by another git user and that seems to be working for me is to edit the script in the environment:

nano ~/.conda/envs/untargmetab/etc/conda/activate.d/

comment out the "R CMD javareconf" line to look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

#R CMD javareconf > /dev/null 2>&1 || true

Step 1: Create metadata

This is a quick R script to create a tab-delimited metadata file of all the sequence files (if you have multiple batches) and keep only the mzML files you want to peak pick and align (e.g. I remove the 9 conditioning pool samples here from each batch). Make sure you have added a column named ionMode (pos or neg) and goodData (0 or 1). It will also add an extra column to the metadata with the path of each mzml file that is useful for later.

sbatch scripts_dir/run-metadata.slurm

Check how many files you have wc -l metadata.txt

I have 502 and I will use this number in Step 3 to set the total number of array jobs that will be run.

Step 2: peak picking and peak shape evaluation

Run the peak picking and peak shape on each file individually with an array job. I chose my parameters based on optimization of picking our 22 stable isotope labeled internal standards. This step is an 'embarassingly parallel' computation so I use a job array to quickly process hundreds of files. I run 40 jobs at a time and each jobs takes about 20 minutes each. I filter the peaks based on RMSE < 0.125 Then use peak cleaning functions to remove wide peaks (<40 s) and merge neighboring peaks. For 500 files, I am done with Step 3 in ~3 hours 👏 😁 👏

sbatch scripts_dir/run-xcms1.slurm

Update status of jobs to your screen if you're interested (this is how I discovered the issue mentioned above of skipping files) watch -n 60 squeue -u emcparland

Step 3: combine picked peaks

To speed up peak picking, we performed peak picking as an array. Now combine into a single MS OnDisk object

sbatch scripts_dir/run-xcms_combine.slurm

Step 4: perform retention time correction, grouping and fill peaks

This will use xcms to clean up peak picking with refineChromPeaks, then perform orbiwarp retention time correction, correspondence (peak grouping), and fill peaks. As I ran a pooled sample every five samples in these batches, I use the subset option for retention time alignment and peak grouping. At each stage a new RData object is saved in case something crashes in the middle or you want to look at the files while they are running. Finally it will output two csv files, one with all of the peaks ("aligned.csv") and the second with the feature count table ("picked.csv")

Note: For reference, when I was testing this code with ~100 samples, I could run this on one 'small' memory node of 185GB. However, my actual dataset of 500+ samples required being run on the 'bigmem' partition with 500GB of memory. The refinechrompeaks and fill peaks steps require loading the original raw files and therefore required the bigmem memory space (obiwarp and correspondence require much less memory).

sbatch scripts_dir/run-xcms2.slurm

Step 5: Create an xset object

CAMERA will require your data object to be in the 'old' XCMS format. This script will create this object for you. Note the fix-around for the error thrown by sample class naming. I had to use bigmem to make fillPeaks run. Make sure you edit the polarity mode.

srun -p bigmem --time=04:00:00 --ntasks-per-node=1 --mem=500gb --pty bash

conda activate untargmetabR4



Step 6: Use CAMERA to create pseudospectra.

CAMERA also uses the xcmsSet object. You will need both positive and negative ionization mode output here.

sbatch scripts_dir/run-camera.slurm

Stable isotope labeled internal standards.

All samples were spiked with a mix of the following internal standards.

compound label final ng/ml ion mode exact mass
3m2ob 13C5 150 negative 121.0641
alpha-ketoglutaric acid D6 2000 negative 152.0592
betaine D11 20 positive 128.1481
citric acid D4 250 negative 196.0521
cysteine D3 1000 positive 124.0385
guanosine D2 50 both 285.1043
malic acid (DL) D3 100 negative 137.0403
phenylalanine D8 50 both 173.1292
proline 13C5,15N 25 positive 121.0771
lysine D4 750 positive 150.1306
xanthine 15N2 50 both 154.0275
4 aminobenzoic acid D4 2000 positive 141.0728
sn-glycerol-3-phosphate 13C3 500 both 175.0238
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 13C4 25 both 173.0873
pantothenate 13C3,15N 25 both 223.1178
leucine D3 50 both 134.1134
AMP 15N5 100 both 352.0483
methionine D3 50 both 152.0698
biotin D2 50 both 246.1008
succinic acid D6 500 negative 124.0643
cholic acid D4 50 negative 412.3127
indole-3-acetic acid D7 1000 negative 182.1072


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