Import the physicians from the noteworth_challenge_api service and import them into a database.
Uses Django to solve the challenge. It is provided an endpoint that on demand, reads the providers API, manage the authentication and imports the physician data on a database. The service has some tolerance to errors in the connection or in the API.
The service is: /api/importPhysicians/, accessible by POST
The database engine used is SQLite.
The Api host can be updated on the project settings to change for another url.
The following changes can be done to improve this solution:
- Add more security, storing the secret_key and other important configuration variables in a json file or environment variables.
- Complete the authentication.
- Change the basic SQLite database for a production database (i.e. Postgres).
- The Vagrant configuration needs more work to be ready at the first initialization without additional steps.
- Fix some format errors during the data importation that may happen sometimes.
- Add more tests.
- Replace prints by logs in console for debugging purpose.