Marketplace is a simple app the fetches products from a third party api, and users can purchase the products with their available credits.
The app is hosted on on here here
- React - Frontend UI library
- Typescript - Strongly typed programming language built on Javascript
- Material UI - A collection of UI tools to helps new features faster
- RTK Query - A data fetching and caching tool. It is an addon to Redux toolkit (state management library)
- http-proxy-middleware - Node.js proxy middle. This solves the CORS error from the api
Colocation: I included everything (styles, component, test, props) related to each component/view in the same folder.
Building the UI
I built out the static UI to give me an idea of what the actual implementation would look like after integrating the data from the api.
The top navigation has a fixed position for easy access when the user scrolls on the page. It houses the logo, available credits and the cart icon.
The cart, which is hidden by default, can be opened when a user clicks on the cart icon in the navbar. This ensures the screen is not crowded.
Data fetching and Client state
I use RTK Query which is an optional addon included in Redux Toolkit package. This helps us to handle client-side and server state easily. With RTK Query, I can use the loading states to show the skeleton loader, avoid duplicate requests for the same data, etc. I used transformResponse
function provided by RTK Query to filter the data returned from the server.
Redux Toolkit gives us a global store that can be used to serve data to any component/view that needs it.
Loading state
For the loading state, I implemented a skeleton loader which gives you an idea of what the data would look like when fetched data is available.
Proxy endpoint
The API throws a CORS error while testing on local, so I used http-proxy-middleware
library to fix that.
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require("http-proxy-middleware");
module.exports = function (app) {
target: "",
- context (/marketplace/blocks): request to be proxied to target host
- target: target host to proxy to. (protocol + host)
Data flow
The app uses top-down data flow ie parent component passes data to child components. This is a widely used approach in single page applications and React follows the same pattern. I made sure the components are dumb, ie they only render the data that are passed to them.
The products view screen uses the useGetProductsQuery
to fetch all the data.
Error handling
I ensured that the error was properly handled. An error message is displayed if an error occurs during data fetching.
Unit tests Most of the components were tested separately to ensure that they work as expected. The tested components are
- Product Card
- Cart
- Navigation
Integration tests
- In order to prevent accidental leaks between tests, a separate Redux store instance is created for every test, rather than reusing the same store instance and resetting the state.
- I use
to intercept network requests during the test and return a mock response after 150ms
One improvement I could have added if I had more time is this; adding a product to the cart multiple times, shouldn't append the item to cart but update the quantity of that item in the cart. From the cart, you should also be able to increase or decrease the item quantity.
You need node version >=16.0.0
to run the app
npm install
Install all dependencies
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.